Travel cages?

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Well-known member
Oct 29, 2013
Tallahassee, FL
Hey everyone, so my girlfriend just got a big promotion at work & it requires us to move to Tallahassee; we've lived in Louisville the entire time we've had the chins, & never needed a travel cage until now. The plan so far is to take a U-Haul full of our junk & an additional car for the delicate items (including the chins, as I don't trust the U-Haul's AC for 10 hours). My question is, what kind of travel cage should I be shopping for? We have a FN182 for the boys, but it's divided because they can't play nice, so I'll be needing two travel cages total. I did a bit of searching, and so far the best I've found has been this:

Just looking for some input from owners with experience traveling with their chins! Thanks in advance.
I think the chinchilla carrier from might work better there are several options. There is a barrier between the two sides so they can't get to each other and the bottom is deeper so you can put hay in without is all falling out the sides.
For a carrier I would really suggest getting a chinchilla carrier from the Ryerson's. Last I knew they were $22 for a 2-hole (plus shipping). Personally, it's great to have 1 extra hole in the carrier for small needed supplies. Hay cubes work great for traveling as well.


Edited To Add: They also have a solid divider and sides, with air holes in the back. They are pretty good at giving your chinchillas minimal access to things to chew on in the car, and I use the handle to run the seat belt through and down the side to buckle them in.
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I agree with the rysersons, they have a roof over them to make the chin more secure. Get a 3 hole and use the extra hole to store food and the such. Smaller is better when traveling, in case of a car accident or break down and you need to walk or ride in a tow truck.
For those suggesting Ryersons: the pics don't enlarge very well, is there enough room to attach a water bottle to the outside & mini mounted food dish? Normally I wouldn't worry too much about it & would assume they'd sleep the bulk of the way, however we're likely going to be on the road somewhere between 10am-10pm, so they'll be awake for at least a few hours (they usually rouse around 7pm) and am thinking they'll be hungry/thirsty.
You can hang a small water bottle but to be honest it is likely they won't be in the mood to drink, and the water sloshing around leaking could get them all wet. When we breeders drive to far away shows, most don't provide water until we get to the show location so they don't get wet, and they do fine. As long as it isn't hot! But I personally haven't seen a chin drink water in a moving vehicle...I think they are too cranky to do so. ;) But many of us use the Ryerson carrier to transport our show chins, so yours will be fine in them!
Depending on what type of water bottle you use, could you not fill it half way to avoid it from splashing out? As long as it doesn't leak.

Not sure how it works, I use the water buddies, which don't leak. So if I were going on a really long car ride, I'd attach their water buddy to the cage and only fill it about half way. I'd think at half way it wouldn't splash out.
The Water Buddy type are the only ones I would say were okay to use but there may be issues with attaching to the door as the door is pretty small. Aside from difficulty finding attachment points, it would obscure the view of the chin.