The Clueless
I just have a method I'd like to share for keeping dogs from acting agressively towards small animals that are pets. I'm not sure if this is 100% or proven, but it follows canine behavior and the "pack mentality".
Now, my malamute Knnick was practically raised around rabbits, but this has worked for others. It might depend on the dog breed, and it requires a bond with your dog so that it will listen to and respect your wishes. If you can, hold your chinchilla for as long as possible while around the dog, as often as you can. I trust mine enough to let her come up and sniff Caboose, but if she starts getting too excited I pull the chin up to my chest and say "Mine". It's all about "claiming" the small animal in any way you can. Caboose's cage is in a room that Knnick has acess to whenever she wants (it's a sturdy ferret cage), but all she will do is sniff noses and wag her tail. As an added measure, I make eye contact with Knnick, make sure she's paying attention, and tap the relative area where my chinchilla is in her cage, repeating "Caboose, Caboose", until I get some sort of acknowledgement. I also share treat times with them, so they associate each other with good things instead of me shrieking at the dog and scaring both of them.
Again, everything probably depends on the dog's personality and how much they have been around small pet animals. I trust Knnick enough that she can be in the room while small animals play, provided I have a hand on her or am very close by.
I hope this helps someone. And just a picture of Knnick and Gizmo I'd like to share
Now, my malamute Knnick was practically raised around rabbits, but this has worked for others. It might depend on the dog breed, and it requires a bond with your dog so that it will listen to and respect your wishes. If you can, hold your chinchilla for as long as possible while around the dog, as often as you can. I trust mine enough to let her come up and sniff Caboose, but if she starts getting too excited I pull the chin up to my chest and say "Mine". It's all about "claiming" the small animal in any way you can. Caboose's cage is in a room that Knnick has acess to whenever she wants (it's a sturdy ferret cage), but all she will do is sniff noses and wag her tail. As an added measure, I make eye contact with Knnick, make sure she's paying attention, and tap the relative area where my chinchilla is in her cage, repeating "Caboose, Caboose", until I get some sort of acknowledgement. I also share treat times with them, so they associate each other with good things instead of me shrieking at the dog and scaring both of them.
Again, everything probably depends on the dog's personality and how much they have been around small pet animals. I trust Knnick enough that she can be in the room while small animals play, provided I have a hand on her or am very close by.
I hope this helps someone. And just a picture of Knnick and Gizmo I'd like to share

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