Top 5 Unusual Pets

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I have to say only the fox for me. Our English Springer Spaniel was sprayed a skunk once and I just don't have good memories of that. A I lived in Texas with cockroaches and it wasn't a pleasant one! The fox is very cute!
I keep a tarantula for a pet and have never considered it to be an unusual pet. At least not on a top five list. I'd so love to have a skunk, but don't think my cats and dogs would be pleased.
I actually cared for the Hissing Cockroaches at work. Those buggers creeped me out though *shudders* Yeah, their hissing is cool, but those things move fast!
One time, someone fed them without even asking me, so I'm not sure who it was, but they put the top of their aquarium back on wrong. So the next day I go in to check on them and half of the things are at the top of the aquarium and even when I tried to reposition the top some escaped! Ewww. I caught them, but it was gross.

And I actually feel bad for the fennec foxes in captivity. I've seen videos of them on youtube and they never appear very happy or friendly.
i love those foxes! but i would never want to own one, i feel bed for them also. they dont seem to really be happy as pets.
but i would love a skunk! there sooo cute!! :heart3: lol
I would have both the fox and the skunk as a pet. The fox would be my first choice, he is sooo cute. Camels are nasty mean. Spiders freak me out. And what's to love about a hissing cockroach? But, to each his own!
We have a camel, a zebra and a buffalo in 3 different households within 2 miles of here. I really want a skunk. I'm moving to Oregon as soon as I sell this house, they are legal there but you can't buy them there. The closest place to legally buy them for me is Wyoming.
I found a website of someone who owns anteaters and they are really interesting! Though I wouldn't want that kind of exotic pet, I feel bad cooping them up like that if they aren't a domesticated breed.
The foxes are just adorable, but I don't think I'd want to own one. Even thought they are raised with humans and they're "tame", I don't think one can breed out the wildness so quickly. I'm sure it's not much different than hedgehogs, but every youtube video I've seen of a Fennec fox has them making frightened noises or slinking around, away from their people. Hedgehogs actually seem to tolerate, and even enjoy, human interaction.

Still though.. cute, cute, cute! The baby photos are almost too adorable to stand.
I think the fennec foxes are SO adorable, but both my husband and I prefer bigger dogs (getting a newfie as soon as we get a bigger yard!)

The lady we adopted Seamus the chameleon from had a skunk named Daisy. She was really sweet, but man, they are HEAVY!!! You could throw out your back lifting one of those suckers! ;)
I want a camel. I used to work with the camels at the Baltimore Zoo, we did camel rides. They, too, were trained to sit, lay and stand on command, and they knew their names.

Ours were very superstitious. We walked them up every morning from their pens in the elephant barn to the camel ride area, and the service road we walked them on had a single yellow line painted on it to divide the road. The camels would NEVER step on it, they would deliberately step over it. Maybe there was some other reason they didn't want to walk on it, but we used to say they didn't want to break their mother camel's back. =p
I generally wouldn't keep any wild animal as a pet, but I'd love to meet a 'pet' skunk. My chins are wild enough for me! :wacko:

the service road we walked them on had a single yellow line painted on it to divide the road. The camels would NEVER step on it, they would deliberately step over it.

My initial guess was that it resembled a snake. I've heard of horses flipping out about road lines, garden hoses and ropes for that reason, so it makes sense that a camel would have an instinct about that shape too.
My dogs have too much of a prey drive..but I'd LOVE to have a skunk at some point , I have always wanted one...maybe when I have less drivey dogs :)
Skunks seem great. There was a lady at our local pet store the one day who'd brought her skunk in when my step-dad and I were shopping. He was only about 6 months old and SOOOO soft.
I feel bad for the fennecs. every other one I would not keep except the skunk which I already have one laying in bed with me right now lol. they really are wonderful pets and very cuddle and have no smell to them. Most skunks enjoy human contact and being with humans they bond very well.
I feel bad for the fennecs. every other one I would not keep except the skunk which I already have one laying in bed with me right now lol. they really are wonderful pets and very cuddle and have no smell to them. Most skunks enjoy human contact and being with humans they bond very well.


Except change the 'thread' to 'statement'. Go. Start a thread. Skunk pics PLEAAAAAASE lol
It seems so strange to me that someone would want a cockroach (or a spider) for a pet, but to each his/her own, I guess! I have only recently heard of pet skunks starting to become more popular. They seem like they make good pets from what I have heard. I wanna see pet skunk pics too! :cute: