Too Much Wood?

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'No they're not bunnies'
Oct 11, 2010
baltimore, maryland
So I was browsing online about chin info not really looking for anything in particular, something I do quiet frequently, and came across a website describing different chin medical issues. I was a little shocked when I got to the section on bloat...

- Lying on side often.
- Discomfort or squealing when picked up.
- Tight "full" stomache/midsection.
- Small poos, signs of constipation.

- Bad hay/feed
- Too many treats
- Ate something they shouldn't have (ie. plastic, too much wood, plaster)
- A side effect from a more serious problem like constipation, parasites, etc.

- Allow extra exercise
- 1/4 brand name Gas-x tablet (simethicone)
- May need stronger meds if it lasts longer than a day. Could be a blockage in the intestines.

I know you can't believe 99.9% of the info on the web, especially when it comes to chinchillas. But this was just something I couldn't understand. Is there ever a such thing as too much wood?
Maybe they meant at once, like the chin didn't chew the wood enough and it got stuck in their intestine until it can be digested? Eh?
Usually, chins do not eat the wood. They chew it up and drop it. Wood can cause impaction if they actually eat it.