Too much dust?

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I see that most people only offer them dust baths 1-2 times per week, and I was wondering if I am offering it to him to much. I always check to make sure its not soiled and empty/re-fill it regularly. But I pretty much let him use it everyday. He gets free time out of his cage whenever I am home (I live in a very very small apt, so I can see him all the time lol) and I just leave his dust house out in the middle of my living room so if he wants it he can use it, and he will use it several times usually when hes out.

Should I not be doing this or is this ok?
You really should only offer it about 2 times a week, unless you live in a very humid climate.

Offering it daily will dry their skin out, and can make them uncomfortable.
Most chins could deal with it every day or every other day. I give mine dust once a week. It isn't because I am concerned about them drying their skin's because I can barely keep up with the dust generated with just one dusting. :) I would love to be able to dust them every other day, they'd look so good then.
Most chins could deal with it every day or every other day. I give mine dust once a week. It isn't because I am concerned about them drying their skin's because I can barely keep up with the dust generated with just one dusting. :) I would love to be able to dust them every other day, they'd look so good then.

With that many chins i prob wouldnt be able to do once a month!! LOL!! You go girl!!!