Too Cold For My Chin?

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Sep 25, 2011
I am currently about 45 minutes from home at college, my mom watches my chin while I am away. My dad hasn't been heating the house, and I know they like the cold but is that TOO cold? I am wondering if I should bring her here...Im not supposed to have her, though. Thoughts?:wacko:
Yeah I read the "ideal temperatures" somewhere on these forums for a chinchilla, but my living room is 61 degrees F due to me loving the cold weather, my wife on the other hand hates it! Haha but me and Gizmo win by majority! Id rather be too cold than too hot, but I'm not covered by some extremely dense fur, so if you can handle it, so can they! :)
usually chins have to put up with temps that are more comfortable for us...sounds like your chin is getting more ideal temps for her...I doubt your parents have it lower than 60 degrees and your chin is loving it!
As previously stated if it's warm enough for your parents, its warm enough for the chins too. We don't turn the heat in the chin room on until winter really hits. Even then, the heat is on fairly low. I do try to keep it at least 64 in there--but I also have kits being born that I need to watch out for :)