I have to say I have Hedgehogs in the past and I now have Chinnies, I too have offered not so wonderful treats to my animals, Just bites not full on meals, not anything dangerous to them or will cause irrepairable damage, yes I know that they "shouldnt" have them , but it is also enrichment for them to try new things, do you think in the wild they eat only what is "good" for them as I know for a fact young animals will try ANYTHING.
Have you ever tried something new? and had a bad reaction??? She did the right thing by taking the Hedgie to the Vet, Yes I agree some questions do not need to be asked, but when they are asked do they make you take stock in what you doing for your hedgie or chinnie??
I know that those that have had Hedgies and Chinnies are trying to help others to learn , but as I have read several entrys in all these forums I believe there is better ways to get your points across without name calling and assumptions and honestly picking on someone that is TRYING to learn,and honestly does it matter how something is worded or spelled as long as it is understood? I understand that you get tired of saying the same thing over and over but isnt that how some of US learn??. I have refrained from posting my expierences because I am afraid I will be bashed for what I have learned good and bad, I have made mistakes in the past and I would like to pass my knowledge on but I am afraid that it will be chewed up and spit back at me.She is learning and maybe she attracts the wrong kind of responce but I really think there is a better way to get a point across..
Amanda I really think you have tried, but I think you are smart and Know what is right or wrong for your Hedgie If you are trying to get support and advice there are better ways to ask for it. As far as asking the obvious question ask yourself first would you like to eat that or smell that or would that hurt you?? IF the answer is yes it isnt something I would like or like to smell or Yes it will hurt just dont do it. Save yourself some axiety and some angry words coming your way. I know this forum means well but hey they are human and get upset over the possibilty of an animal getting sick or hurt and trying to calm an owner when it all goes wrong. Not saying that will happen to you but it is always on our minds.
Enough I am done with my rant, Amanda do yourself a favor and ask yourself are you ready to take the heat along with really great advice? If you are ask away if not just use your better judgement. Obviously you are doing something right as per your Vet.