Toe tore off and looks bad, anything I can do?

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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2010
K so last Saturday,Avatar's lover, Delilah had their baby. Good deal their but later that evenning when we got home from a wedding, Avatar's paw was stuck in the cage and he ripped it off. It bled a bit then has seemed fine up until today, 1 week later. The vet isn't open until Monday but its looking bad enough for me to be concerned. I don't know what could happen from this, of course I'm worried about infection and worse. I don't mind if he's gimpy juat don't want him to feel pain, which I'm sure it is very painful bc red means "ouch"! Or him to get sick from it and die. Like I said, all week it looked fine, just gone and now, it looks bad. I'm gonna try to post some pics although I'm very illiterate at all this still. Is there peroxide or alcohol or baby something or another I should be administering to either help with swelling,infection, and pain? I kinda even wanna take him out of his 4 tier cage bc I'm worried the activeness will hurt him more. I'm afraid if I take out the levels then he'll just bounce off the sides and risk getting stuck again!


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I would use peroxide then rinse it off well then use some blukote if it looks infected you will need a vet
As long as the bone is not showing, I would just dip the paw in some blu-kote and keep a close eye on it. Keep his cage clean so it can heal. If the paw gets swollen, red and/or inflamed he would need to go to the vet.

If the bone is showing (it looks like a little sesame seed, the best I can describe it) he will need to go to the vet to get it amputated so an infection does not crop up in the bone.
I would not use peroxide on it. Peroxide kills the tissue as well as the bacteria, that is why you never see a doctor clean a wound with peroxide. Betadyne is your best choice.

I can't really see the injury, did he actually rip part of his toe off? Is it the skin? Is there any bone exposed? If the bone is exposed he may need that section amputated at the next joint and antibiotics.


Okay, I just re-read the first post, and I have other concerns. I'm hoping that the babies aren't in the same cage as him because that is not a baby safe cage.

Nextly this happened a week ago, then he needs to go to the vet, until then, if there is no open tissue to clean leave it alone and make sure he is eating and drinking. Closing him off to a smaller area is fine as well. He needs a vet tomorrow for antibiotics and to inspect to see if an amputation might be needed on the end bone section.
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I'm not sure if he's chewing on it or not. I don't think theres any bone showing. It seems he ripped part of it off but now it is red and swollen where as this whole week it wasn't. No the baby isn't in there. I mentioned his toe when I wrote the "unexpected baby" thread but no one really seemed concerned then. If you all remember, I'm the one with the AC out in my car. Maybe tomorrow won't be so hot and humid (yeah right in Indiana) so I can safely get him there. I do have other vets around, just not dealing with exotics/chins so if you think this is something small enough that they can take care of then please let me know. In fact, I have an animal hospital directly across the street! I had taken one of my lil guys to a nearby vet who claimed to deal with chins and he died and they said they could do nothing for him. I asked them before to check his temp and they said they didn't have anything that small and he was too weak for me to make it to a vet in Indy. They were sweet but now I'm against using a vet who claims they know when they don't specialize. The other one that i got at the same time from the same breeder had same symptoms but we took her to the right vet and she's alive and healthy today from giardia, which the other vet didn't even check for. If you don't think its a life or death matter as of yet, I don't believe amputation is in order at this point, then maybe I'll go to the closer ones to at least get antibiotics and the wound cleaned? What do you all think? Also, what is blu kote and where do I get it?
Blu kote is ... like a liquid bandaid type of deal to help kill and keep out bacteria. But at this point if there is red and swelling he needs antibiotics. This should not be something that you would need a specialist for. Basically the vet will make sure there is not open bone and if not then they will rx antibiotics. If the end of the toe needs to be amputated then you may want to verify that they've sedated chins before. They may want to xray or may just want to examine.

At this point I would not blu kote because it is probably scabbed over, and if there is edge of bone exposed the swelling would have it covered by this time. Blu-koting it at this point would be detrimental to the vet trying to make sure everything is okay and it's not just minor infection. Often if a toe gets stuck they will pull until it comes loose, not necessarily breaking the bone, but ripping off the skin that covers it, not leaving enough to protect it, which is why it needs amputated. Bone is actually very porus and exposed bone will readily absorb bacteria, once infection gets into bone it can spread through the body and is hard to kill.

Blu kote is handy to have around, it can be found at feed stores or like farm supply stores.
Thanks so much! I'll get some to have on hand. If I did it right away then it prob wouldn't have gotten so bad. I'll call the vet now!
Should I go to an inexperienced vet for this one?

Ok so my AC has been out in my car for awhile and its not safe in this weathe to take the chins to the vet that is 1hr away. I have a couple of ice packs in the freezer and some ceramic slabs but the temp is 92 and rising and the humidity is almost 60% and I'm not comfortable taking him in these conditions. His toe was is half gone from getting it stuck a week ago. Don't see bone but that doesn't mean swelling isn't covering that. It is red and swollen as of 2 days ago and what my question is, should I take him to an inexperienced vet for this? I called my vet and they wouldn't call him in antibiotics without seeing him (as I expected) nor would they say whether or not they thought it was ok to take him to another vet. The vet across the street (how conveinient!) has never seen a chinchilla at her clinic. She was very excited to and said if there were any questions she would call the other vet. She said she's dealt with guinea pigs, rabbits, and ferrets but not chins. She said there was a pharmacy in town that would ensure correct dosage of an antibiotic in proportion to his weight. I don't know that the other vet would be cooperative to help. They didn't seem like it.

There's another vet about 15 mins or so away that claim to have chin experience but when I took a sick one there before, he passed away and they even did the fecal sample and didn't find anything. Another chin got sick right after and we got her to a better vet and she lived. They did the fecal float and found the giardia right away. Also when I had asked them to check my little one's temp, they said they didn't have anything small enough. I'm skeptical taking another one of my lil guys there again.

What do you guys think? Should I try the vet across the street or go to the one that claims they deal with chins? Or take the risk and go to the other vet? I'm torn here. I believe he needs some antibiotics so the infections doesn't get worse. I love hiim sooo much so I'm scared to try to get him all the way to Franklin (the really great vet I found thanks to this forum:)

They all charge $40 just to see him.
I would personally go to the experienced chin vet. We had a rescue here right when we started to get into chins and hadn't found a good vet yet... we spent hundreds of dollars at the local vet which said they would treat chins (though didn't have experience doing so)... only to find out that they had no clue why he wasn't eating, that they "weren't able" to get motility drugs because they're "illegal" (they said propulsid was illegal.... though everyone else everywhere else can get it)... long story it was just wasted money. We ended up driving him to the Avian & Exotic Animal Clinic in Indy, which is where we go now... and they fixed him up right away, within 2 visits he had the necessary stuff done and necessary meds.... which of course did cost, but we could have spent just that instead of wasting our time at a vet that doesn't know.

Now, that was for not-eating issues though, trying to stave of stasis. An infection... well I think most vets can (hopefully!) recognize an infection, and maybe in that case you would be able to take your chin to a closer vet... that said... if possible I would still worry about getting your chin to the better vet...

The lack of air would be a problem... would it maybe be possible to borrow someone's car who does have air? According to my computer it is 90 in my area of Indiana today, so you're right, it wouldn't be a good idea to drive with a chin in an hour in 90degree heat...

Where do you live in Indiana? Maybe one of us other-Indiana-people could help you out?
I dont think money really matters here, all that matters is that you have to get his toe treated. Because from what you said, it sounds like its becoming infected. If that vet across the street is willing to help you, and contact the other vet i dont think you can get better than that, unless someone with ac drives you to your normal vet.

With ice packs in hand a fifteen minute drive is not going to make the car unbearable for the chin. You need to bring some with you though and have them put them in the freezer when you get to the vet so you have them for the ride back home as well.

If you are worried about him and feel he needs antibiotics you need to get him to the vet. If it's only a 15 minute car ride and you have plenty of ice packs and a cold slab to put in the carrier I think he will be fine.

Do you know anyone with A/C who could pick you up and take you to the vet? That would be even better? Do you have any friends or family who could help you out?
Since you already have one thread going in the emergency section, dealing with the exact same thing, there's no point in starting a separate one. I have combined the two to make it easier to follow what is going on.
I took him to a vet who 'claims' they know about them and they looked at it and said that he tore off the nail and the little white thing poking out was the cuticle. I for one am a little apprehensive bc someone on here described what it looked like as the bone-not cuticle. I opted out for the xray and am giving antibiotics for a few days and gonna keep an eye on it and pray that it wasn't the bone showing. She said to dab peroxide with a cotton swab 5x/day. Is this safe? I'm not trusting her one bit bc she tested both of my 2 chins' poo and said they were fine when in fact it was giardia and one died. That was only a month ago and I'm still bitter, I'm sure but it was a vet closer that has at least dealt with chins before. I'm keepin my fingers crossed for Avi's finger-or stub I should say!
One of my boys too off half a finger a few weeks ago. He did have bone poking out so he needed a single stitch. We also had him on Medacam for pain and sweelling - it does a great job making them comfy. my vet always gives me extra to keep on hand for an emergancy. and he was on antibiotics for 7 days, just to be safe.

Can you borrow a car with AC for the vet visit? If not lots of ice packs and frozen water bottles will really help (wrap eveything in fleece so there's no chewing). and once at the vets office, ask if you can re-frezze eveything until it's time to go. I had to take one of my guys on the NYC subway (1 hour) and a 10 minute walk in HEAT, and he was actually really chilled out in his carrier.

I'm not sure how chin knowegable the first vet is. At the very least I would see if they have rodent Metacam and at least give you something to get the swelling doena and relieve some of the pain.

Good luck, I hope he's feeling better soon
I'm not crazy about peroxide, because it kills some living tissue as well as infection (I believe). What does your vet think the peroxide is supposed to do, if your chin is already on antibiotics - keep infection from starting? If that's the case, could you cover the area with blu kote instead?
I haven't used the peroxide. I'm not sure what they think. I'm not happiy about how it all went. She didn't seem to be concerned about the pain at all bc he's putting pressure on it and my brave lil guy didn't squirm when she squeezed it. Oh well. I need an AC bc these things happen. The vet across the street was so sweet on the phone that she offered to help me by borrowing ice packs and stuff to try to ensure a safe ride! How sweet! I opted probably the bad route and took him to the vet 15 mins away that did nothing for my other chin. Lesson learned. I'm gonna keep my eye on him and see how things go and if he's not better soon, I'll find someone to take me to the one I trust somehow! She gave him just a small amount of bytril, whatever that is. Theres def not enough for 7 days.
If I was going to do anything, I would soak the foot in warm epsom salts or use Betadine, not hydrogen peroxide. If you HAVE to use peroxide, you need to dilute it 50/50 with water or it will cause death of the tissue involved.

Baytril is an antibiotic. It's a strong one. You need to start him immediately on some type of probiotic and you should follow the dose of Baytril given orally with something that is tasty, like a rosehip or a half of a bite sized shredded wheat, maybe a cheerio, something to wash the nastiness of the taste out of his mouth. You don't want to deal with loss of appetite on top of the infection.
A good probiotic is acidophilus. It can be found at GNC or other health-food places... ideally, you'd want it in as high of a dose as possible (in the millions of bacteria)...

I get mine from GNC. They sell a white bottle with a blue cap, and they're capsules filled with powder...(looks like picture below) which can be mixed with water and syringe fed, or I suppose you could sprinkle it on the food (but I wouldn't be positive they'd ingest enough of it that way).


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How much do I mix and administer? A whole pill? Thanks so much! I'll get some tomorrow. I just need instructions on how much and how often! Thanks a mil!