K so last Saturday,Avatar's lover, Delilah had their baby. Good deal their but later that evenning when we got home from a wedding, Avatar's paw was stuck in the cage and he ripped it off. It bled a bit then has seemed fine up until today, 1 week later. The vet isn't open until Monday but its looking bad enough for me to be concerned. I don't know what could happen from this, of course I'm worried about infection and worse. I don't mind if he's gimpy juat don't want him to feel pain, which I'm sure it is very painful bc red means "ouch"! Or him to get sick from it and die. Like I said, all week it looked fine, just gone and now, it looks bad. I'm gonna try to post some pics although I'm very illiterate at all this still. Is there peroxide or alcohol or baby something or another I should be administering to either help with swelling,infection, and pain? I kinda even wanna take him out of his 4 tier cage bc I'm worried the activeness will hurt him more. I'm afraid if I take out the levels then he'll just bounce off the sides and risk getting stuck again!