Toe Injury in a Growing Kit

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Mia Bella Vita
Aug 25, 2009
Latte lost 1/2 of her toe in a failed intro attempt. At the time part of the bone was exposed. The vet recommended medicated foot soaks along with TMS and pain meds as needed. It's healed up nicely, no infection, and the skin has grown over the bone. My question is will this affect her as she grows? As she gets bigger will the bone grow through the skin and need to be amputated, or will the skin stretch and grow with the bone?

i have several little dudes with missing digits. they usually heal over just fine and you cant even notice.
That's good to know. This is completely healed, and it certainly doesn't bother her. I just didn't know if it would cause any issues as she grows, seeing as she's not quite 4 months old yet.
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Abby got 2 toes bitten off by Bobo and she's just fine without them Brit. They are both missing from front paws--bitten off through the cage bars because Bobo is a ******--she can eat with them missing and it never phazed her a bit!

I think toe biting and ear biting are really common during intro's
I know lots of chins lose toes at birth even and are completely fine. I have one guy here with only two toes on one foot and got him as a youngster. No problems at all!
Stormy is missing both of her middle toes, they were like that when I got her, so I don't know what happened, but they don't bother her one bit.