To neatur or not to neatur, and then some.

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Jul 29, 2009
Southeast Texas!
So I have a male chinchilla, and his name is Puff daddy (a.k.a biggie smalls) and I've been thinking about getting him neautered. His cage mate is a female standard, 2 years old, and puff is about a year and half.
Well, after speaking from to rick from Nola Chinchilla Rescue, he said I should really look into because of the breeding "situation", so I would just like to get some opinions or insight about it.

Has anyone got their Chin neautered?
If so how did it work out, and was there a lot of risk associated with it?

Also, I have some questions about his fur / coat.
My two standards have a very soft and shiny coats, but puff doesn't really.
They are kept in very sanitary conditions(I have allergies), get fresh hay / water / Mazuri pellets daily. It looks like he chews it from time too time, but not to the point that he removes fur. So what can I do too help him with his mild fur chewing?

Lastly I have a question about his ears. Puff is a silver mosaic, but his ears are pink towards the base and towards the end it turns brown and he has little freckle / moles. They dont bother him, because rarely he scratches them.

Any wise words are welcomed, and pictures too!
:) Muchos gracias.

and Ill let everyone else answer your questions bc Ive never had one neutered. I have two males together so I thankfully dont have to deal with this.
Best of Luck.
I would have him neutered if it was mine. I have never had a chin neutered, but did have my degu and it went very well.

How big is your cage? Maybe he needs more to do to alleviate boredom (toys etc.).

He sounds like a pink white, which is a beige and white so it will have freckles. If he has dark pigmented ears the base may be lighter pigmented. If by mole you mean there are little bumps that is most likely scarring.
I didn't look in time to edit it, but he is a pink white and the freckles are totally normal. I looked at the pictures you posted of him in the FN club thread. This is probably why he is not as shiny as your other chins. White chins have a tendancy to have cottony fur and since yours came from a petstore he probably does.

This is my pw
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re ; neauturing and then some

I have a ferret nation, which im in the processor ordering wheels, ledges, houses, hammocks, etc etc. I am just trying to get more insight than Rick, because I knew there were probably people on here who new more about things like this! Also, that looks like my chin puff. His fur looks a little like that, but I'm not sure if he is exactly a pink mosaic. he has silver on his head and tail, but you might be right.

keep the comments coming! I appreciate everything y'all do ;)
He has pink ears therefore he is pink white. Any other white has dark pigmented ears (black) unless it has beige in it (tan white or pink white). He has ear freckles not scarring. I meant literally scar tissue from fighting that makes the ear have bumps.

I also wanted to add that since you have a kit (I'm assuming male) why not just pair him with the kit? That would be what I would do. It of course means that you will need a extra cage in case they fight, but you are going to need a kit safe cage anyways in case the girl was bred back.
>I am just trying to get more insight than Rick, because I knew there were probably people on here who new more about things like this!

Well, I've had 2 neutered, with no problem. Remember the other solution you should have already done: separate them, if it's not too late. Are you ready to have them breed? If they are not, they will be. This situation has gone on for awhile, we've discussed it to death.

Why not put 1 in the other FN you said you have?
I had about 4 neutered with no problems. You need to find a good vet that has done this with exotics.
Also, that looks like my chin puff. His fur looks a little like that, but I'm not sure if he is exactly a pink mosaic. he has silver on his head and tail, but you might be right.

You definitely have a pink white. I also looked up the pictures you posted on the FN club thread.

I have had a few males neutered and nothing bad happened. Chins have an amazing recovery rate but the most important thing is to have a vet that knows what they're doing.
I know I know, it's just the only exotic vet around here doesn't seem too "qualified". He gave us bactrim for the horrible dihreea he had and it didn't work, and he doesn't have any refrences for neautering even though he said he know's how to do the procedure.

Also, the f141 houses 2 ferrets, and until I can re-home them than it's going to be that way.


Thanks for the replies, I read that forum and it helped me come up with my over all decision.