Tired after being overheated?

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New member
Jun 13, 2012
Hi everyone! This is my first post on Chins N Hedgies (though I have been lurking around for a while), so it's nice to meet you all!

Anyway, I'll get right to the problem. I took my 4-month old chin, Bilbo, out for playtime a few hours ago, and I must've not realized that my room was a bit too warm, and after jumping and leaping around for twenty minutes, his ears got a bit red and warm. I immediately moved him to the first floor, and he cooled down instantly and seemed just fine.

However, I just checked up on him a few hours later, and now he seems a bit tired and won't do much except sit. He does respond and sit up whenever I tap against the cage though. I'm just a little worried since he's usually so active around this time of night.

Should I be worried? Should I take him to the vet in the morning and have him checked out anyway?

Also, one more question, what are the signs of a ruptured organ? My parents don't really know how to handle him, since he's so squirmy and jumpy, and I'm afraid they've been grabbing him too tightly when I'm not there to oversee things. I just want to know the signs, just in case it ever happens to him and I can rush him to emergency immediately.

Thanks for all the help you guys can give me!
Not sure of the signs of ruptured organs but for the over heating I have heard people mention on here that babies will over do it at playtime and they shouldn't really have much of a playtime until they are 6 months old. My little Wakka is still a baby and she is almost 9 months old and she has got a little over heated before and afterwards all she did was lay in her chin spin and chin-chiller and rest but she was fine later on. I would think the heat just tired him out a bit but I would keep a close eye on him. Make sure he is eating and drinking good and poopies are ok. A few things you could do is put a room thermometer in the room so you know what the actual temp is. I have 2 in my playroom and I also put a window a/c in the room and about an hr before playtime I try and get it around 66/68 degrees in there before I let my girls out to play. I notice the cooler it is in the room the more active they are. As for cooling them down if they over heat I have frozen water bottles that I can wrap fleece around and put in their cage if I need to cool them down quickly.
Just an update: He's doing fine now! I checked up on him an hour later and he was up and running, and was eating and drinking normally. I guess he just got a bit tired from the heat and playtime. He's now in the coolest room in the house and he's doing great. Thanks for your responses!
Yes, one of my females run until she is out of steam. Then she lays down for a bit, you need to keep an eye on it though because you don't want to have a heat stroke on your hands. If he ever has a heat stroke he will be lethargic/not moving. What I do in those situations (only been in one) I had put her under the sink and ran the water. She sprung up quickly and she was okay thankfully (she just had a litter of kits that day, labor + getting out of the cage without my knowledge = disaster)

Happy he is fine!!

my chin seems is doing the same thing and every other post I've read seems like they're fine after an hour or so but mine has been lethergic for almost 5hours now:////