Tips on moving a chinnie?

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<--My sweet girl Gregory
Jan 29, 2009
Washington DC Metro Area
Some of you know that I'm going to be moving very soon (this week, in fact). I'm going to be doing a lot of the moving on Tuesday and Wednesday. I am fortunately not in a position where I absolutely HAVE to be out of my current living quarters by a certain date, so I have some flexibility in terms of moving Ralphie.

I was wondering if there's anything in particular I need to keep in mind when I'm moving him. All I can think of so far is:

- Make sure the new place is cool enough before I move him in (the house has been vacant, and I'm not sure what the thermostat has been at, although it was always comfortable for me when I visited it)
- Move his cage first and have it all set up exactly the same as it is now before I take him to the new place
- Make sure that I'm ready to live there absolutely full time before I bring him, since I'll need to monitor him closely for signs of stress

Anything else? I'm afraid there's something huge that I'm missing...
Nope. Sounds like you've got it covered. He'll be fine Shayna. Most chins handle moves really well and it doesn't even phase them.
I drove 5 adults and a kit from Minnesota to Florida, in a Uhaul. The ac broke, and so I had to stay in a crappy hotel in Tennessee for 2 days while they fixed it, because it was July and 100 degrees out and they would have died for sure without a/c, I would not let us go even 10 miles with them, so we were stuck in some scary little dirty town.

Needless to say, they all made it, no less for the ware, and are still ALL here going strong, the oldest 8 years old now! Those are my first and unforgettable chins, and what got me addicted. I found them on a chinchilla ranch in northern Iowa or very southern MN, I wish I could remember the name, they had around 6,000 chinchillas, and this was 8 years ago. I want to say it started with an M....I lost the pedigrees years ago in one of my moves, and the guy was never internet savvy. He was a lawyer too, I remember.

Anyway, I think you have all the bases covered and that everything will be just fine. Temperature is key and making sure the drive is safe. Good luck, and congrats on the new place!
Moving chins can be so nerve wracking! I remember on our first move, which happened in mid-August, my husband's car broke down on the way with the whole back loaded with chinchillas! I was freaking, but thankfully we got them there and all was well.

I think you've got your bases covered. Best of luck!
I moved into a new home in March, and Zippy did just fine. I put him in a carrier about 1/2 hr before the movers loaded up his QC mansion. Once the movers got to the new house, they unloaded Zippy's cage first thing and I put him right back into his cage. He slept thru the whole ordeal, in fact I don't think he really knew that he moved. Now, he has his own bedroom and he is loving it. I am able to control his atmosphere and at play time, I just open the door and he jumps out and runs around his room. Don't worry, everything will be just great.
My great idea is to let Ralphie come and stay with Auntie Laurie until the move is over and maybe a few months afterward LOL!

I think you have it all covered Shayna, you know you're stuff cause you are AWESOME!

And I'm available to visit ANYTIME!
Take ice with you, frozen waterbottles and towels. If you are prepared for any emergency, it is much less stressful. I travel with chinchillas very regularly and I always take a cooler full of frozen waterbottles if the temperature outside is going to be any warmer than maybe 75°.
Thanks everyone! Considering I'm moving a whole .8 miles down the road, I'm probably worrying too much, but it never hurts to be prepared! We're doing the walk through tomorrow, and I'm going to give what will be his room an extra close look. Currently there are some home made looking shelves/bookcases in there, and I want to make sure I can move them out so there's room for his cage (it's a small unfinished room off of the rest of the unfinished walkout basement). If for some reason they can't be moved, I'll keep his cage in the bigger basement room. It would just be nice for him to have his very own room, where I can close the door, open his cage and let him be his little Ralphie self, without using a playpen.

Laurie, I told Ralph about your invitation to come stay with you, and he said long as you give him access to some of those pretty girl chins you have:hearts: