Tips for poopy feet?

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Ever since Annie has switched from aspen bedding to liners and a litter box, she has been wearing her "poopy boots" just about every day.
Do you have any tips for how I can get her feet clean without having to put her in the sink every day?

haha id like to hear an answer to that one too, i just got my baby on thursday and she is geting her first bath today cause she has some major poopy boots, and she is stinky :impatient: lol
For a quick foot wash, I place my hedgies on a wet washrag to walk on. They don't mind it as much as a complete bath.
lol alright then. I just don't like having to put her through the stress of washing her feet I think I'll try your idea, PeaceB2U, next time.

Thanks for the replies everyone.
another idea is unsented baby-wipes. Try the cheap WalMart brand....If I remeber correctly Nancy also uses them so you could ask her what kind she uses.
With Aero he went in almost every day. If I didn't do it first thing in the morning he would wake mid afternoon and suck the poop off. He got it so bad every morning that he would have to soak and swim a bit to get it off.

Also get those boots first thing in the day soft poop is easier to get off than dry hard poops.
another idea is unsented baby-wipes. Try the cheap WalMart brand....If I remeber correctly Nancy also uses them so you could ask her what kind she uses.

We use these... it also works for when Fray somehow poops on Nuance and it gets on her back.
We use these... it also works for when Fray somehow poops on Nuance and it gets on her back.

Could just be Nuance pooping in the wheel and when it goes around it falls on her back. This happens to Needler every once in a while..
For a quick foot wash, I place my hedgies on a wet washrag to walk on. They don't mind it as much as a complete bath.

For my Little Bear, I just figured out that simply *walking* on the washrag wasn't enough. I still have to take the rag and gently rub the poop boots off his feet. But it's still less stressful than a full bath.

I also use the toothbrush trick, as Little Bear has nails that grow like weeds and manages to get poop under them like no one's business.

Another thing to try is just to let your quilled one walk around in a shallow bowl/pan/dish/plate of water. I use the tub for my hedgie washing, so I frequently close the tub drain, get a little bit of standing water in the tub, and make him walk around in the water. It helps get any tummy gunk off, too.

---Lisa Ann