Tiny's foot and Nubbin

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Do the chinny shuffle!
Jan 29, 2009
Here is a blurry... sorry pic of her foot. I noticed it was red.... it looks like it needs to be washed, but should I put the chlorhexidine on it? The yellow on the edges up top were always there, it is like a discolored callous.


Nubbin when we got her.... bald and all

And Now
Look at all that fur growing on her nubbin now!!! Does happy dance!!!!!!
Tara, her foot looks a little irritated. Baby had some foot problems and Dr. Fitzgerald said to put Bag Balm or Vitamin E on them.

The nubbin looks GREAT!!! That's so cool that it is growing fur -- Little Two Paws' is never going to grow fur, and he usually has a little scab on it from running around on it. He hates for me to touch it, so I don't even try to put BB or VE on it. I think that it is very tender, because he is very jumpy if I even try to pet him low on his back on the left.

YAY for Tiny!!!