tiny poops

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Well-known member
Feb 1, 2009
New Jersey
I just adopted an 6 year old chin, male. His poops are very tiny. I spoke to the woman I got him from and she told me his poops were always very small. Is this normal? Should I take him to the vet. He has never been to a vet so I do not want to stress him out anymore than he has been these last few days, a new home and everything. He does seem to be adjusting more everyday.
Try giving him more hay. All the hay he can eat. What other food does he have. I have a female that has small poops but the more Hey I give the better they are. I have an old male that has little logs I don't know why they are so big.
I am giving Kleenmama's hay and Oxbow pellets. I give my chins a small piece of organic romaine everyday and a fingernail size piece of organic apple.
I have had them with small poo before, like mice size poo. Those ones I just monitored weight and intake of food and let them be.