We were given two girl chins who, at the time, we were told might or might not be pregnant. Turns out one was, but we do not know when she got pregnant. She gave birth overnight Saturday into Sunday sometime to two kits. One is very alert, eyes open, moving fine (in fact, was on his way to escaping the cage before we modified it last night!) The other, however, seems premature/runty. She doesn't keep her eyes open much (we cleaned them Sunday morning, they can open, she just doesn't). She's still very frail/wobbly. I got a scale this morning and they're 47g and 34g. Mom seems to be doing fine, nurses them, they're not cold, their heartbeats are strong. Should I just keep an eye at this point and if runt isn't gaining, supplement? Even the bigger one sounds like he's on the smaller side, compared to what I've read here (although he's doing great), but she's just downright miniscule. We aren't breeding them or selling them, so I'm not worried in that sense, just happy chin owners.