Tiny kits? Preemies? Help!?

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We were given two girl chins who, at the time, we were told might or might not be pregnant. Turns out one was, but we do not know when she got pregnant. She gave birth overnight Saturday into Sunday sometime to two kits. One is very alert, eyes open, moving fine (in fact, was on his way to escaping the cage before we modified it last night!) The other, however, seems premature/runty. She doesn't keep her eyes open much (we cleaned them Sunday morning, they can open, she just doesn't). She's still very frail/wobbly. I got a scale this morning and they're 47g and 34g. Mom seems to be doing fine, nurses them, they're not cold, their heartbeats are strong. Should I just keep an eye at this point and if runt isn't gaining, supplement? Even the bigger one sounds like he's on the smaller side, compared to what I've read here (although he's doing great), but she's just downright miniscule. We aren't breeding them or selling them, so I'm not worried in that sense, just happy chin owners.

47 grams is a fine weight. I'd be concerned about 34. However, if she's nursing and gaining she should make it on her own. At this point mom's milk should be in (although with first time moms it can take longer) so keep an eye on her weight. If she isn't gaining, start supplementing.
You'll know if the little guy is getting food because his tummy will feel round and warm, and his tail will curl up. You definitely need a gram scale to monitor their weights, but especially the smallest one. Here's an FAQ on kit care just in case, but I'll keep my fingers crossed you won't need it.

As long as Mom's not pushing it away, it should be fine!
IMO under 30 grams can be pretty "iffy", but over 30 usually make it! Might take a few days to "steady out", but even first time moms usually know best! She'll push it away if she feels it's not going to make it.
Congratulations, good luck, and can't wait for pictures!
34 is not too bad, I have good luck with anything about 30 as long as they are otherwise healthy. Definitely keep an eye on the weight and prepare to supplement them both just in case, and good luck!
Tia, just make sure you monitor closely and daily. I did have a chin you delivered prematurely, and 34 and 47 does not sound premature. Premature chins have no fur on their paws or feet.
The curly tail is definitely a sign they are doing well, keep an eye out for that. As Peggy (tunes) said read over the FAQs for babies and suppplimenting and have on hand the items you'll need in case you need to hand feed.
It is a great sign that momma keeps the babies with her. I hope they get stronger and stronger everyday for you.
Thanks. They're still the same size this evening.

Runt's tail actually curls downward - as opposed to her bigger brother, whose tail is still straight.

If she's no bigger in the morning, I will get supplement.
Ok, She's the same weight, so I got some supplement. How much should she be drinking? It's hard when she only weighs 33-34 g to get an idea of how much is enough.
The same weight is fine. It may take a couple days for her to gain. Don't jump into hand feeding unless you have to. It's much better for her to have mom's milk.

Mom's milk may not be in totally yet. Give her a little bit longer. As long as she's not dropping weight, that's good.
The tiny chin died sometime this afternoon. :(:( My two kids are inconsolable. The bigger one has gained another gram so we're very optimistic he'll do fine but will keep an eye.

Thanks for the help.
Thanks. I'll be sticking around. This site is great and I have chins AND a hedgie, so I think it was made for me :)
The smaller ones just seem to have to fight so much harder. Usually they stay the same weight for a few days and then either take right off or start to drop and you know which way to proceed.

I'm very sorry for your loss and I'm glad you're going to hang around.
Thanks. He's up about 3g in 2 days so I'm feeling good. He's already trouble too :)
I am very sorry for your loss, usually if they die within the first 3 days it was an internal problem or as mentioned they were just too weak to make it.