Tina from CA

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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New member
May 15, 2011
Sacramento, CA
I've had exotic animals all my life. I currently have 3 boy chinchillas. 2 I've had for 5 years and the other one for 2 1/2 years. They have their own room which they share with one fancy mouse.

I also have 2 dogs and 2 cats. I'm a teacher so I only work about 1/2 the year (175 days). In my free time, I'm either making things in my garage for the chins or taking the dogs to the dog park or reading or sewing.

I've been a member of the other chin forum since it's inception and thought I should pop over here and check it out.

And I have a signature banner I'd like to use, so I assume I will get to do that eventually?

Nice to meet you all.

Welcome to CnH Tina. :)

There are restrictions in regards to signatures. If you check the FAQ section it will explain it in more depth. Banners definitely depend on size.
Hello and welcome. Pictures of the chin room please! They always make me so jealous. ;)