Timothy/Orchard Grass Mix

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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2011
There is a farm located close to where I live and they currently have small bales (about 50lbs) of leafy third cut timothy/orchard grass mix hay available for $4 a bale. I know most chin-appropriate hay is third cut, but I'm not sure if a timothy/orchard grass mix is most appropriate? $4 for 50lbs is quite a good deal as far as I'm concerned but I want to make sure it will fit their diet.
I would say the hay is good so is the price. I used to feed timothy/orchard mix when the timothy didn't look so good. I paid for a 2 wire bale of timothy/orchard about $15.00 a year ago. I am not sure if So Calif gets the left over timothy from other states because it doesn't look so good.
I haven't seen the hay yet but I do not it is a leafy green third cut which is what my girls like. I'm going to visit the farmer and take a look for myself. $4 for 50lbs can't be beat.
There are lots of 2nd cut timothy bales for really really cheap ($3-$5 for 50lbs) but I've noticed 2nd cut is more "straw-like" and my girls just throw those pieces out of the cage...LOL...little divas only like the leafy stuff.
The last time I was able to get a bale at all, they didn't get a third cutting of timmy that season. :( I'm hoping to talk to someone at the organic farm on the other side of town about buying a bale, even if it's the stemmy stuff. My guys will eat pretty much all of it, as long as it's long.