Timothy Lounger

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Cuddling Extraordinaire
Oct 20, 2009
Oxbow made this thing for chins called a Timothy Lounger. It has no wires, chemicals, or thread. Do you trust it? I bought one but I'm not giving it to Rocco until I hear from you guys.
I have a couple of chins that love the lounger and the large mats by Oxbow. Of course I have a few others that will just pee on them. So only the chins that don't pee on them get them.
Chinchillas can't control their bowels, so of course they are going to poop in it if they sit in it.

I got the lounger for my chinchilla and he loves it. He takes naps in it and lies down in it. He also is methodically chewing a hole in the bottom, but it has lasted him for over a month, which is a long life span for something like that in his cage. He did pee in it a couple times but funnily enough, he peed exactly where the whole he chewed was. We also got him the Oxbow timothy tunnel before that, but with that he just tore it apart as quickly as possible, without even really eating the hay.