Timo just passed away, how do i care for his brother to keep him happy?

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Well-known member
Aug 28, 2009
Hi. I am an owner of two chins. Well, i was...

they are brothers, timo and bounce. unfortunately, timo passed away yesturday morning. :(

Since they are such social animals, i am not sure how bounce is going to be from now on. My parents are against me getting another one so i was wondering if anyone else is an owner of just one chin.

please give me tips and anything else to help me keep bounce happy and healthy.

p.s. when i open his cage, he is acting like he's scared of me. i think he thinks that timo is coming back into his cage but when he sees that he's not, he runs back in and isolates himself :( please help. thank you.
My chin was alone. (got a mate 2 days ago)

Mine was happy, I was with him al day (after school)
If you keep him bizzy with toys, company by yourself he'll be ok.

But I don't know when he will be his normal self again as he lost his buddy :(

Sorry for your loss.
If you're worried about him being alone, get him a cuddle buddy for now. A chin safe stuffie with no plastic nose or eyes, no loose threads. You can even make him one out of fleece stuffed with fleece. That sometimes helps a cage mate left behind to have something to cling to while they grieve.

Keep an eye on his eating, drinking, etc. Make sure he hasn't stopped with any of that. Spend lots of time with him too. That will help both of you to get through this difficult time.