Tillys small successes

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My kids have 4 feety's
Feb 1, 2009
As some of you know my first chin Tilly is about 7 years old and is having terrible terrible malo issues. We have started her on a metacam regimen and although it is a small amount, she has been feeling so much better.

Anyway, I am writing this excitedly because I caught her chewing some cottonwood yesterday :) She hasn't chewed wood in months. Thanks to everyone who has been supportive. We have a long road ahead but at least she is feeling good enough to do chinnie things :))))))
I can relate with what you are going through and am happy she's feeling better. Although my CJ isn't on any meds at the moment, I have always enjoyed watching him dig into anything, whether it's food, wood or a piece of hay cube or cookie.
that is good news. have you tried the willow coins from PPBN. both myself and sandi have had some good luck with them for our malo chins.

you also may want to consider a different pain management if you are prepared for a long term care regimen. i have used tramadol with great success and in conjunction have added famotadine (Tagament) or similar stomach acid meds. dawn (ticklechin) gave me a lot of good info on how long term meds can affect the stomach lining.

richie likes the willow coins and i also have real thin twigs i prepared myself that he enjoys. i still occaisionally will put an apple stick or other types of wood just to see if he will chew it. he also doesnt eat much hay but i did start putting a mix in there including some alfalfa and i noticed a few strands gone.

good luck with tilly.