Tilly smells from drooling...

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My kids have 4 feety's
Feb 1, 2009
so now that things are settled with the new vet appointment for her next tooth trim for next week, I am just trying to maintain tillys comfort. She is of course drooling alot and it smells! I dont know if anyone has dealt with this issue but i have just been giving extra baths. Any tips?
Is she tame? If so, on my P/W who would end up with a CC stain on his chest I would use a bit of Dawn soap on a warm wash cloth and wipe him down, comb him out and blow dry on cool. If she is not tame don't try it, it can stress her out, then I would just let her bath as much as she wants watching for dry skin and comb out the dust/drool as needed, maybe using a baby wipe also. My P/W liked to be fresh smelling so he acted like he enjoyed it.

If this is her first filing I would do this-its best to keep ahead of the curve as far as filings and not let them get to the point of actually drooling. If she resumes eating in a few days after filing keep a daily check on weight-watch for slow gradual weight loss, a few grams a day and rub your finger across her lips and peer at her incisors looking for moisture. If you see both make the appointment for the next filing. Start looking at 4 weeks after this filing for the weight loss/moisture. This will keep her comfortable between filings and keep her quality of life as good as possible. I was able to keep my malo chins from actually drooling using this method and it kept them fairly normal.
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