Tilly/Malocclusion :(

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My kids have 4 feety's
Feb 1, 2009
As some of you may know, Tilly has been having some watery eye issues for a little while. It was her only symptom, and although she has some malo issues about three years ago, we were hoping she just got a piece of dust in her eye. There was no white mucus but my STUPID vet decided to start her on an antibiotic first without checking her teeth. There was no response to that and so we decided to try a week on artificial tears to be sure it wasn't dry eyes or eye duct problems. There was also no response to this.

Well, we FINALLLLLY found a really great vet in our area who knows a ton about chins and brought Tilly there this morning (Rutherford Animal Hospital, Rutherford, NJ). Given her symptoms and such, they are putting her under anesthesia to do the xray and then keeping her under to do the procedure on her teeth today because that is most likely the issue. I am glad they are doing it all at one time, but sad for my baby that she has to go through this again.

I know some chins have to get it done every 6-7 months but my questions is if Tilly hasnt had any issues for 3 years, is it likely that she won't for another few years or will the intervals shorten and she will have more problems ?

I know to I will be giving her CC for awhile like last time, and the dr will be giving me some pain medecine for her but I guess I am just looking for support : / I am sad for her and I want to know the very best ways to keep her comfy when she gets home. Thank you everyone :heart3:
Oh, I'm sorry about Tilly and truly hope it just the filing of her molars (environmental?) type of malo. But you need to be prepared that it could be the roots of her teeth/molars (genetic malo). My prayers are with her and you. My chin had the roots of his molars growing into his jaw, at first my vet filed his molars and I tried very hard with hand feeding him critical care every couple of hours for almost 2 months but his roots continued to grow and we had no other choice. Just keep her comfortable and watch her and feed her critical care as you've mentioned, I'm sure more members that are knowledgeable with malo will come on board. :heart:
Awww I'm sorry little Tilly is going throught this :( You are in my thoughts and prayers and I'm crossing all fingers & toes that she gets better VERY soon!! I'll even make my chin-kids cross their fingers & toes...let's see, that'd be 8 fingers & 8 toes x 6 chins = 96 + my 10 fingers & 10 toes = 116 WOW that's alot of fingers & toes....Tilly has NO CHOICE but to pull through & recover quickly! <<OUCH, foot cramp>>
So, my vet is a bit perplexed. Tillys teeth are perfect !!!!! She said they are so perfect she could be a textbook chin model. Now we dont know why she isnt eating and having teary eyes. She said the answer to the teary eyes MUST be dry eye or else she has no idea....so we are going to try some dry eye treatment for a month or so and see if we get results. I am very relieved and I thank you so much for your prayers :)

I am worried the not eating is a jealousy thing with the new chin... like she is on strike haha! We will find out I suppose ...she will get getting cc until then.
Oh that is GREAT news! I am so happy for you and Tilly. I love that name by the way- it was my nickname for years when my little siblings could not say my name! I hope she feels better and starts eating for you, maybe try a new food?
Are you sure it isnt a blocked duct? Slippers has a duct issue and has a watery eye.

I am glad it is not a teeth issue. Good luck with the new treatment!
A blocked duct is also possible so while she was under anesthesia the vet rinsed her eyes... we were trying artificial tears for awhile which didnt seem to help

I recently switched to Mazuri and maybe she doesnt like it..... maybe ill switch to another
I'm glad to hear the good news!!! :hug2: All those crossed fingers & toes were worth it LOL.
I'm so happy Tilly's teeth are great! Sorry to hear she isn't eating though. I switched my gang over to Nutrena Rabbit Feed from Mazuri and they all really love it.
Wonderful news on the teeth!!! I use Klein pellets. Mine love it. I've also never had any problems changing any chins that I purchased from other people over to it. They seemed to even prefer the Klein.
Oh that is GREAT news! I am so happy for you and Tilly. I love that name by the way- it was my nickname for years when my little siblings could not say my name! I hope she feels better and starts eating for you, maybe try a new food?

Good News about Tilly....and it's funny - that's my 7yr old daughter's nickname....Tilly (Till for short)...
Aw :) I am glad people still have that name!

I feel better now also because the vet called and said her bloodwork shows she has a low white blood cell count so she is fighting some sort of an infection and we will start her on antibiotics today. This means that there is a real REASON she isnt eating!! WOO

I will let you all know how she is ... poor gal
i know this is an old post but I'm just reading all of the ones about malo (possible tooth problem here and very nervous). But I'm curious, you said the vet said that a low white blood cell count meant she had an infection? That kind of struck me because isn't the opposite the case for humans with infections? Like I think when a person has an infection, they can tel because white blood cell count skyrockets. Just curious.
A high or low WBC can indicate infection depending what they are looking for. For exaple, a kitten that has distemper (a virus) will show WBC that would be non existent. So it depends if they are looking for a viral infection or a bacterial infection.