
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Active member
Sep 28, 2010
Morrisville, NC
I would like to know hat type of tiles you put on the bottom of your cage. I haveread that some people use grout. is this safe? I am going to build a cage from a cabinet and want to make the bottom waterproof. If I tile it will I still need fleece liners. Also, I was thinking about making the back and front wire and leve the sides and top would this be enough ventalation (sp).
Here are my tiled cages, I tiled all the levels and at the bottom there is a pee box that I put shavings in. No fleece is used except in the hidey houses where they have fleece mattresses. I grouted a 1/8in grout line, as small at possible to seal the cracks. Use kitchen not bathroom grout. I used enclosed three sides and the ventilation is fine.
