I'm not sure if my chins are mad at me or not. They have not been out of their cage for about two weeks, due to renovations in my parents bathroom. My room is not a safe area for them to run, they try and eat my carpet/ chew the walls. They have plenty of chew toys and get sticks every night. They have a silver surfer wheel as well. Three times this past week they have turned their hay bowl upside-down. Im still trying to figure out how they do it! It's pretty heavy. It's a ceramic bowl that sits flat on the bottom of their cage. They have also been throwing hay all over the floor of their cage. I'm pretty sure they are mad at me. My boy Phillip would not even take a rosebud from me yesterday. He waits until I sit it in front of him, and I close the cage before he will take it. He normally takes it right from my hands. I tried petting them in the cage to make up for not being able to run around but they ignored me, so I left them alone. It seemed I was annoying them more than anything.