Throwing a fit!

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the dreamer
Feb 25, 2010
South Central PA
This is a video of my poor little girl throwing a fit in her new hospital cage. I think she dislikes this one more than the previous one because it is smaller...

Chinnie tantrum...

@0:20 - She was peeping, I don't think the camera picked it up though. She does that frequently when she wants something or attention.
@0:31 - It breaks my heart when she beats her little hands against the bars, but I can't do anything about it... if I give her attention, she does it more, so I have to leave the room/completely ignore her to get her to stop. :( Poor baby.
aww, breaks your heart doesnt it? I had to keep gizmo in a small cage when he had his amputations. I hope for a fast recovery for the little peanut.
Aww, poor baby. I have a little guy in a carrier right now too because he just had an abscess removed. He absolutely hates it but I don't want him jumping around and popping a stitch... and it's easier for me to get him out to give him his meds.

I hope Tia heals up soon!
Awww, look at the baby. Don't let her tantrum get you down. Just think how happy she will be once she is all healed and is in her nice big cage again. She'll forget all about it that same day. :D

Did you ever figure out how to use the metacam?
Did you ever figure out how to use the metacam?

It took me a little bit, but yeah! I take a dixie cup and put it upside down, squeeze a drop or two onto it, and suck it up. It's the easiest way to do it that doesn't get metacam allll over me... That stuff stinks so much!
Mine will grab the cage with both fists and shake the bars like a little convict! Tbh, though, she doesn't seem as frantic there as I expected from your description. She's clearly not amused, but she also doesn't look like she's too stressed out about it. I don't think you're "a horrible person" at all; one of the worst things about keeping pets is that sometimes we have to do things for and to them that they don't understand. You're being a good mom, though. Keep your chin up. ;)
Aww, what a sweet little face!! Though like all children, she doesn't understand why it's being done, you're doing what is needed to help her heal. You're a good mommy, and she'll be as right as rain soon because of you. Don't worry though, she knows deep down that she's loved and that's the best part. Heal quickly little one, stay strong mom!! She's lucky to have you.
Just my opinion, but I wouldn't use a carry pouch with her.First she's very likely going to try to jump out of it and reinjure herself.The other thing is I think that the compression of her pelvis while in the pouch may be painful to her/undue what healing is hopefully occuring.Like I said, just my opinion but I know from dealing with fractures in humans that cannot be set for one reason or another, the injury has to be kept as stable as possible until healing is complete.
She is too ready to leap out, now when I open the cage door she immediately thrusts her head and as much of her body out as she can but I push her back in (gently, of course).

And I'm a daddy, not a mommy. :)
Just my opinion, but I wouldn't use a carry pouch with her.First she's very likely going to try to jump out of it and reinjure herself.The other thing is I think that the compression of her pelvis while in the pouch may be painful to her/undue what healing is hopefully occuring.Like I said, just my opinion but I know from dealing with fractures in humans that cannot be set for one reason or another, the injury has to be kept as stable as possible until healing is complete.

I agree.

Poor girl, she may hate it now but it'll really help her in the long run. They do throw fits when they don't get their way but it's for the best. :))