This may seem a strange question...sent out to Rochester members

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Chinchilla slave
Apr 20, 2009
Rochester, NY
I know this may seem odd...and I will not mind if I do not get much of a response. I have never "met" a hedgie..and wonder if any of our Rochester NY members are owners would would let me come out for a brief visit..just so I could say I have met a hedgehog?
I know, this may seem silly, and I really feel I would not want to be an owner....but this is just one pet I am intrigued by and would love to know more and see one in person.

Marie I sure hope someone responds! Being a chin owner, I had never seen a real hedge hog either. This May I got the opportunity to see them AND touch one! It was really great and I loved it!