petsmarts around here are sticklers about having a receipt for returns, so i don't think i'd be able to do that.
the fleece things could easily be re-sold to a ferret keeper. i have a corner hammock coming from camphor anyway, and if my snuggie doesn't work well enough for making other fleece stuff, my kiddo has a couple of old fleece hoodies that no longer fit that would work, and are anti-pill.
the doors on this cage close the same way as the cage that Gery was in when i was babysitting her. the way they close/latch, i don't see how a chin could get it open. heck, i had a bit of trouble opening Gery's cage until i figured out where to put pressure on the door latch, lol.
the seller won't go for less than $40, and my offered $30 was basically poo pooed. sad, because everything is brand new, never been used. seller was going to get a sugar glider and decided not to after cage and such was bought (i personally think it would be a bad cage for a glider, they'd slink out through the bars!).
oh, well, the search continues!