this chin safe?

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2009
Hi I was wondering if this product is safe for chinchillas? He's been eating it quite a bit lately...and the thought that maybe its not so good for him came to me, so i wanna make sure before he keeps knawing on it.

The ingredients are: pine wood shavings, cassava starch, alfalfa, sodium alginate, potassium sorbate, propionic acid, honey, glycerin, propylene glycol.

hmm..the more i look at the ingredients, im sure its not that great for him...:impatient:
No, it is not safe. Take it out and pitch it. There is too much sugar from the honey...the other things don't sound too great, either.

None of those Snack Shack houses are good for them.
Glad you made that decision - I believe propolene glycol is found in anti-freeze, and although there's no percentage listed, anything even close would be a big NO-NO for me!!
yeah I put it in last night and he looked adorable perched on it...but woke up this morning and he did a number to it, so Im glad I posted this. Makes me mad that everything bad says "chinchilla safe", stupid people.