thinking up ideas for a homemade tube

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slave to Rhino and Guss
Jan 29, 2011
Edmonton, Alberta
hey all, the wheels in my noggin have been turning the past day or so (can you see the smoke coming out my ears? lol!), and i got to thinking of an idea for a homemade chinny tube.

could one of those metal coffee cans be used? i have a couple kicking around that i could crimp down the edges (to ensure no sharpness remained from using the can opener when i first opened it), and then install the hardware and put fleece on it. the cans i have are smaller (diameter is just shy of 5 inches), and i'm sure i could rustle up one or two of the bigger ones too. could make it open on either end or have one end left closed for a more snuggly house/tube thing, although fitting the fleece could be interesting on a closed end one.

does anyone see an issue with using a coffee can? or has it been done before and i'm just not caffeinated enough today, lol, to find the threads about it?

I think people use cans. At least I suspect as I bought a metal tube and when I went to wash the cover it looked like a really big can, which I thought was pretty genius. I'd think the big issues would be smoothing the sides of the openings and the holes where the bolts go through, making sure the metal is safe and not chewable or really malleable and washing all food/adhesive off completely.

I've never made a tube out of a can, so I can't offer you specific advice but if you do try it, tell me how it works!
I know that the breeder I got Ezio and Altair from uses them sitting flat for them to hop into and cuts the other end off and has it on a platform for the chins to run through. I don't know if she krimps the edges or just uses a safety can opener. I use one during play time for them to hop into with no problems. I'd put one in the cage, but it has so much in it already!!
over at my dad's place he has a metal lathe, so the holes in the can for the hardware could be done nice and smooth, and i'd even consider bolting a washer assembly over the holes to ensure the hole edges couldn't be accessible at all, even though they'd be covered with fleece. i'm thinking when i decimate my snuggie that i never use, and turn it into chin fleece items, the sleeves would work perfectly for the coffee can tube, and there would be minimal sewing to do, yay!

i have some nice pliers here that would crimp all the edges down nicely, so no worries on sharp edges at the ends of the can. and yep, all labels and glue would definitely be removed.

now i just wonder if the residual coffee smell would keep a chinny awake? hahahaha!