The need to keep an open mind

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Dawnna's Keeper
Jan 29, 2009
Cary IL,
I have to say this is not about this forum

I have come across place where I have tried to help. Some of my info comes from books other info has come from experiance from myself and others because when I have an issue I have no problems calling someone who has the answer.

Yes I cannot always site sources, I have so many books and and so many people I ask, but if it doesn't agree with them they feel the need to criticise and ask for a source. Yes I may not have a perfect source there isn't a lot of scientific research in chinchillas.

I am just venting why can't people keep a little bit of an open mind and hear out ideas. I am one where If I have a problem I will try everything I possibly can and some ideas that I was hestant at first to try have worked out better than possibly imagined.

I know by no means am I all knowing. I ask questions and make phone calls no one is all knowing and no one is always right. And sometimes the best knowledge does not come from books but from people who have been in it longer and just know more. I sited my source as a rancher (name not given) and got attacked. There is a lot of mis information in the pet world about Ranchers. They take great care of their animals they really do. Some I am sure don't just like some pet people don't but don't close your mind just because.

Just my vent. People need to keep open minds just because you don't agree 100% does not mean they are wrong. This goes anywhere in life. Just because it isn't your idea doesn't mean it is wrong. The world is not monotone, there are a lot more shades and colors out there

It makes me just not want to help...and i am sorry but the chinchilla sites the sited as sources would not be my first choice...ya know...I like my chinchillas alive and well.

Okay thanks I needed to vent
I often realized that when one always wants to know where it was stated, it's usually because they like to be right more often than not. So to be right and have the last word they will ask where it was stated.

This being said, I don't put everyone asking to site in the same basket, because that would be closed minded.
I've a sister like that - starts arguements on subjects she thinks she knows, and when proven wrong, by copied documentation mailed to her in Arizona, doesn't even acknowledge reciept!!
We don't talk much, and I still can't figure why Mom made her the executor of her estate! :hair:
What??? Are you kidding me? Here all this time I was positive you were all knowing!!! Well thanks for blowing that one for me!

Kristy, I hear you! It is frustrating when people ask for help and advice, yet when it is given they really don't want it. My view is, if you don't REALLY want to know what to do or how to fix things or how to change things, then don't ask! When you come to someone for your advice, you should be prepared to get advice. You should be prepared to listen to what they have to say instead of attacking their advice.

The best thing for all human beings is constructive criticism, yet it seems the hardest for people to accept.

Just because you don't agree with someone and their ways or ideas, does it automatically mean it's wrong! We should all have more of an open mind to many things--change can be good. We wouldn't be where we are today on the evolutionary scale by not listening too and accepting advice--we'd still be not talking, eating raw meat and sticks and twigs, I'm sure.
Whoops, I got my days mixed up, all along I thought Laurie was getting Baby Lisa chin today and it was her that got you all riled up. :neener:
PS Laurie, I don't care if Lisa chin is 15, I'm still gonna call her Baby Lisa!
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I totally understand what you are saying. I find it equally frustrating when someone asks for advice then argues with the advice that's given. On the other hand, I don't think asking for some documentation to back up advice is out of line either. We see every day on here where people come up with the most ridiculous ideas! Asking for something concrete/scientific to back up your advice is a way of ensuring it has some basis in reality. I don't think it necessarily has anything to do with wanting to be right (not that there aren't people out there like that), just wanting to be sure that what you are saying is right.
The big frustration was they are saying on another site pine is toxic for chinchillas....I do not have any articles saying it isn't they have a bunch saying it is. I know it is on the safe wood list and I KNOW it is safe, but apparently pine bedding is the devil in case you all didn't know........But it os everything I post on that site. I am done there, I will not go where I am not wanted. It just isn't worth the frustration. I do feel a lot better after venting
Gee, I've been using pine since day 1! Guess all my chins are hallucinations from pine fever!
Could they just have it confused with cedar??
I have actually gotten into this same exact argument before with the pine shavings. You know it's fine, I know it's fine, 99% of the chinchilla community knows it's fine, so just stick with that. I tried, and tried to explain, to no avail. Some people just have it stuck in their head that if a website says it, it's got to be true.
LOL Theresa me too--she will always be baby Lisa chin. And Kristy--I thought the Twilight movie was the devil and not pine bedding---hmmmm?

Oh well I guess I like devlish things. Grandma Shaw said Elvis was the spawn of Satan and ya'll know how I feel about The King!
Kristy, I'm glad you got it off your chest. I believe Peggy's signature says it best -

Never argue with idiots. They will drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.
Peggy is a wise woman. I was just already stressed and let it get to me which was stupid. I just won't go back there now, not worth it, not at all.

I do not negiciate with terrorists or children...or should that just be argue with LOL

Edited to add they use aspen only...funny thing is I had a female who was allegergic to aspen. lost all the hair aound her eyes when I used it in a pinch a few years ago......I did mention GI issues with Carefresh but I doubt Vet bills and necropsies are good enough, no article written by one of there members

my guilty admit I did argue back one last time and got a bit snippy. If they can make me snippy I need to just be done there. I am not generally a snippy type person.
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I think it's kind of like raising children or anything else we do in life. Listen to the advice of others, weigh the pros and cons and decide for yourself if you think it makes sense and is good advice. I have met people who do things very differently than I do and their argument makes sense but it's just not for me. I also met people who give out piss poor advice with no back up reasoning. Well, you all know what I do with that advice. In one ear and out the other.

This topic reminds me of some of the people who come into our emergency room. They come in, sometimes by ambulance, with abdominal pain, shortness of breath or whatever their complaint is. Then they refuse to let anyone draw their blood, they refuse x-rays, they refuse IV's. Well, what the heck? They come to the emergency room for medical help then promptly refuse to let the medical staff do anything to try to find out what is going on and to help them. My favorite was a woman bringing her 14 year old daughter in with severe vaginal bleeding but the mom refused to let any doctor examine her daughter "down there". The child was so severely anemic from this bleed she received 2 units of blood. But still, no one could examine the child to see what the heck might be going on. Ooookaaaay.

The moral of that story and this thread is, if you don't want any help or advice, then don't ASK for any help or advice.
Shavings in general are dusty, that being pine, cedar or other. Since the animals does breathe this, it can cause health issues. Some chins will have problems some won't, same goes for any species, guinea pig, rats, etc.

Maybe that is what they are refering to.

Definitely, pine ledges, houses etc, are undoubtedly save for chins.
nope seriously they said the pine in shavings, pine is toxic. The articles they sited were about dust but you know I had heard things about that forum but they have so few chinchilla people that I thought it would be good to try.
I've used the bales of kiln dried shavings that come in the paper bags for years with no problems. My cages are all big and open air. Sure if they were in a fish tank maybe... In the two-three story cages, my chins are rarely down at the bottom anyway. At one time desperate for shavings I took a bale that came in a plastic bag. That was a mistake as the shavings did smell very greasy and strong smelling.