The joy of bonding...

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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I noticed today that when my boyfriend was over, and Kingston was out for playtime, Kingston wouldn't go anywhere near where Charlie was, he wouldn't even come out of his cage when the door was open while Charlie was there but the second I came over he hopped on my arm and down to the floor.
It just feels so good to see him beginning to bond with me. I'm alright with the fact he'll never be a cuddly lap pet, so when he comes to me and sits on me for more than five seconds, I get all warm inside. He lets me give him scritches now, and sometimes he acts like he likes it but he's just putting up with me ^_^ and now he comes to the cage door to greet me and will actually sit still with the door open for me to pet him.
Today was just a good day with him, he seemed a lot calmer than usual, and now he's making a ruckus because its late, but I don't mind that he's making the noise because I can go to sleep knowing he's a healthy active little man.
I knew I'd like having a chinchilla, I like all animals, but I never expected this wonderful little personality that fit with me so well!

You guys know what I mean? :]
Definitely! In the beginning when I got my two chins, they were very cold and didn't care much for me. Now, when I go home, and say hi to them, they jump right over and beg to be let out for playtime! =) The best is when I have my friends over and they get all excited to pet the fuzzballs except that they don't go anywhere near them and come to me instead. Exactly that warm feeling inside that you're talking about.
They are wonderful little animals; they seem to have a sense of what your mood is that day too. On stressful days, they seem to be calmer and quieter and ask less of me but on days that I don't have much to do, they are constantly jumping from ledge to ledge, throwing their toys from here to there, and even not willing to go back to the cage after playtime is over.....but then of course, this could just be me being a little hallucinatory =P
It's the little steps that really make having chins fun, isn't it? :)
You'll notice that owning a chin makes all the little things in life matter again.

Good luck! And keep up with the bonding!:thumbsup:
Absolutely, I know what you mean! These little guys are addictive. I told my husband one night to just sit in front of their cage with the door open and hand them a few apple wood sticks and just watch them. After 10 minutes I go to look for him and he's still there, giggling and giving them scritches and letting them hop on his arm, it was just so cool to see him bonding with them. He said he didn't know how much he missed bonding with chins, oops sorry for the rambling. Haley, I am so happy that you are having great moments with your little guy!
It is fun to experience, and fun to watch. I love watching my teenage boys stop as they're walking past the cages, just to talk to a chin, or to reach in and play with one or give scritches. Or if they really can't resist, scoop one up and play for a while.

Brennan loves to get Jef-fa-fa out and put him in his big basketball shorts pocket. Jeffy just peeps out, whiskers going, as Bren walks around the house, going about his business. :D They are truly part of the family, not just mom's chins.