The greatest gadget EVER!

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I heart Leonard
Jan 30, 2009
Racine, WI
I'm sitting here thinking of my dear from Sandi and her love of the IPhone--she didn't care that she didn't have service in South Dakota, she just flat out loves that thing! I haven't witnessed it yet, but I'm willing to bet she kisses it on a daily basis.

It got me thinking--what do you think is the greatest gadget ever? In my times of the e-readers, the MP3 players, blu-ray, blue tooth, the rumba, sketchers shape ups--what's the greatest gadget ever?

My vote is . . .
My Sony pocket e-reader! I can't believe I'm saying this because I am still a die hard "real" book fan, and I never thought I would even like an electronic reader, BUT this thing is my life! I love that I can read anytime anywhere because of this little gadget! I read a lot of books, a lot of them are by referral and some of those referrals are WAY off the mark. With the Sony e-reader I have 100 books at a time on this baby, if story A is really lacking I just move on until I find out that isn't.

How about you? What gadget to you find most amazing?
That sounds amazing! 100 books? Really? Maybe I am just easily impressed, but that just sound great. :D Can you read it in the dark without having to have a light on? I'd love one of those...I should ask my husband to get that for my birthday. :)

My little navigator GPS thing is pretty amazing. It tells me where to turn so that I don't have to focus so much on the street signs and I can drive without worrying about missing where I need to go. Other than that...Netflix doesn't count as a gadget, does it?
I'd have to say my iPod. It gives me music in the car, in the house, out for walks, camping, and I can watch movies on it when I don't have my TV (can't sleep w/out a tv on!) I even hook it up to our living room surround sound and play my fav tunes while I'm cleaning the house :thumbsup: And don't even get me started on using it as a portable hard drive, contacts list, photo viewer, and calendar. :hearts:
Umm, I guess I'm a little backwards as far as gadgets go. My favorite gadget is still my cell I am fascinated by the readers, though. I am going to take a look at the Sony reader. Thanks for the info!
Oh wait! I got an iPod as a gift and love that, too. I can't sleep without it going in the background. BUT, wow, you use it for everything. I'm wasting

I'd have to say my iPod. It gives me music in the car, in the house, out for walks, camping, and I can watch movies on it when I don't have my TV (can't sleep w/out a tv on!) I even hook it up to our living room surround sound and play my fav tunes while I'm cleaning the house :thumbsup: And don't even get me started on using it as a portable hard drive, contacts list, photo viewer, and calendar. :hearts:
I hope big gadgets count. Maybe i'm just old school but my Laptop and playstation are by far the coolest gadgets to me. I use my laptop like crazy and I'm starting to use my PS3 for a lot of things too. How else am I supposed to sit in bed with no wires connected to me and watch my favorite tv shows with no commercials in HD? haha.
I didn't know what an I-pod was for a long time after they came out...and it sounds like I don't really know much about them even now. :p From what I gather you can put all your music on it and not have to carry CDs around. :p

That's pretty much my understanding. I actually think they are outdated now. Everything is touch-based these days.
My B&N nook e-reader! The thing is AMAZING!!! It even has a beta-web browser for those such as me that must check facebook every 20 seconds!

And also my GPS - "Lee" has certainly paid for himself numerous times!
I do love my Kindle, and the ability to carry around 3500 books everywhere I go in something smaller than the size of a magazine just amazes me.

But there are several other things that I think are amazing inventions as well.

I think the GPS is just an incredible device. No matter where you are, whether you have a map or any sense of direction at all, it can get you home. That's a wonderful thing.

Cell phones are a mixed blessing. We actually did survive before they came along, and it was nice NOT to be able to be reached every second of the day, but they are handy things to have around.

The internet is probably the most amazing thing to me (barring some pretty nifty medical technology that is around now and up and coming). That I can sit in my home and talk with someone on line who lives half way around the world with no delay, no static, no lost calls - that just boggles my mind. I can work, shop, watch movies, read books, book a flight, review new products, see my daughter over her web cam - all without leaving my desk. I may not understand all the intricacies of how it works, but I would be lost without it.
i can not live without my Ipod touch! i am addicted and the only 12 step program i can think of starts with buying an I pad.

addicted! music, games, email, social networks, movies, love love love it!!
I love my 80gig iPod! I used to have this crappy 254 MEGABYTE mp3 player back in high school and it really burned me up because I had to choose what songs I wanted to listen to that day. I have about 40gigs of music, and I can carry them ALL with me ALL the time. It's suhweet.
Mac laptops.

Pc laptops were ok, but it wasn't until I got the Mac that I started enjoying computing. It's good to enjoy what you do for a living.

As far as the iPhone love, I have one for work and I don't use it much beyond talking and email. It has the capability to remote into the servers here but I prefer to pull out my laptop and work on things. Size does matter when it comes to screens. :)) I have used the GPS feature on it multiple times and it has been a godsend. I definitely prefer it over the WindowsOS Tilt they stuck me with the first month.