The great escape!

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Chin Slave
Mar 16, 2009
New Jersey
Of course this is only a funny story cause it had a happy ending!
On friday night I had a very bad headache & I took one of my migraine pills, so i was a little out of it. Before I go to bed I check on the chins, fix up their cage a bit and give them kisses everynight. well i guess i didnt latch Stitch's cage properly (he has the crappiest cage & we hope to have the new mansion done today or tomrorow!!)
well saturday morning i checked on them and stitch's cage was open and NO stitch! well he was hiding under the couch. tried to lure him out with cheerios but everytime i went to grab him he ran.
thank God for this forum & having read stories of people who crushed their chins because i was so cautious.
at one point i was chasing him around and my other chin was looking at me like i was crazy,
Since i didnt know how long he was out I figured he was probably tired & thirsty so i moved his cage to the floor. Bout 1/2 hour later he jumped in.
that boy slept ALL day! he was so tired.
I feel very lucky that nothing happened to him.............and i am keeping a close eye on him just in case he ate anything. Just wanted to share.
I am happy your story had a happy ending! It sounds like you didn't have too much trouble finding him, since they can be very good hiders. I can almost picture your chin making a mad dash for the cheerio and disappearing again! Good idea moving his cage closer to him, as that would be his most comfortable and safe place to retire, or to get food and water. I bet you'll be keeping a closer watch on the latch from now on, or at least until the new cage is ready!
I'm glad he made it safe and sound. It's scarey when your little cages ones get out on their own.
