The Cutest Boys EVER!

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Well, I'm stranded at home with NO CAR (needs some work done on it) and totally bored out of my mind, so I thought I'd throw up some more pics. You all should know by know that I have thousands of chinnie pics LOL.

Anyway, here we go....

Stretchy Gideon

Frack says "Peek-a-boo"

Remi trying to ignore me because it wasn't playtime yet

Remi got his way...again (notice how Gideon has his head cocked sideways looking at me, he's so funny)

Go Remi go...

More to follow....
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Looks like Frack is balling his fist up at me LOL

Roo...all done with his dust bath

Cheeko says..."Please Mom, not today with the camera" (WAIT, is that POO on my wall?) LOL

Frick looks especially plump in this pic

Remi just being cute!
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Scritches for Roo

Roo - look at those ROLLS!

Cheeko & Frack playing peek-a-boo

Remi is....uh....ummm...yeah, you know what he's doing! "Uh oh, Mom busted me BIG ALL my glory :err:
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And here's some more...yes, I'm VERY bored LOL.

"Would you like PAPER or PLASTIC"?

"Hmmm, Chesterfield County is kinda yummy!!"

So far tonight Gideon is being a "good" boy and not picking on anyone...unless he's hiding in here to plan his attacks :thinking:

OK that'll be all of my pics...for tonight anyway hee hee. I hope you guys enjoyed them!!
My boys do the silliest things sometimes, so I can only take partial credit for the "cute pics" ;) I've been called "crazy" a few times for having "so many" chinchillas (yeah ok) so maybe they are getting a little nuts like their Mom LOL. In the pic where Remi was having his way with the fleece ball (LOL), about 2 minutes after that Cheeko jumped on Remi's back to "have his way with Remi", but I couldn't get to the camera fast enough!!
I enjoyed those pics and yes, you can be bored more often if you like. ;)
Okay ALL the chins are cute as heck but I have to say Frick and Frack and Gideon are my favorites! I just adore Frick and Frack! BUT the poo on my wall shot is PRICELESS!!!
Remi is....uh....ummm...yeah, you know what he's doing! "Uh oh, Mom busted me BIG ALL my glory
Remi's manbits are so big you can see them on the far right side of the picture! The frog's smile is hilarious is this context.
Or maybe that's Cheeko on the right :wave5:
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I love them all.. such gorgeous boys! ..but Frack is my absolute favorite!! :heart3: I don't know if it's cuz he reminds me so much of Palay ..and her cute little antics ..or if it's his cute little antics ;)
Tabitha they are great pictures. I really need to get to work taking pictures of mine. I'm still amazed at the coat change and weight little Roo has put on. Great job. I think my fav pic is your demon spawn waking up.
Remi's manbits are so big you can see them on the far right side of the picture! The frog's smile is hilarious is this context.
Or maybe that's Cheeko on the right :wave5:

:hilarious: I didn't even notice the froggies smiling LOL
You take the best pictures ad I love the captions!

Keep 'em coming.