I dunno, im not at all writing off A LOT of what MJ has done over the years, but i also like to remain on the level that he had a CRAZY life. NOT one of us can sit here & really think of what that would be like. Under the spotlight, microscope, etc. Now, im well aware he was a weirdo, but i really think the public helped to sculpt that. (And his past with his father.)
This person NEVER had a real life, met real friends, got to go out without being followed, etc. He was what, 7ish when they hit it bigger? As he said in an interview, he didnt have any friends other than his family. He didnt know who was genuinely his friends aside from his family or who was using him. That in itself would be hard & would make someone feel pretty trapped and lonely. Then he cant even go out & be alone, he has to have guards as well as tons of fans swarming him no matter where he goes. That too would be enough to drive anyone nuts in my eyes.
About his molestation cases, im not sure. He is creepy & weird, but im just not sure, i dont know him personally nor the entire case, or the other family, so its hard to totally judge. Would i ever trust him alone with one of my kids, no, of course not.
He has fueled the fire many times with many things, but i suppose maybe he felt any attention was good attention & he didnt know how to just be & not BE a performer to get that attention. Ya know what i mean? *Not sure if im explaining what i mean correctly.* haha
As far as his skin & nose, i suppose i also dont feel im in a position to judge..but yes, it is strange & ive always wondered if the skin condition was truly what it was & if he bleached his skin & things like that. I know there are some photos where it definitely looks patchy & thats supposed to be where the glove started from. I guess maybe he just didnt want to see his father in himself... still strange to go to those lengths, but i guess he had no one to help guide him. The nose job, or the second(i think) one was a mistake for sure, but hey, people get plastic surgery, the only difference is he was always harassed about it. Its his face, if thats what he wanted why was it always such a stigma for him? Yeah, it all looked terrible, but still. I do feel badly for the man. I just hope he has peace now & really hope everyone was very wrong about him.
It is very sad how the family has been acting about this. Its gone too far. They need to just settle things & let things go to peace.
I'd be VERY shocked if his parents chose to bury him in Gary, i couldnt see that happening. Eek, i dont think Michael would have wanted that either, its not a pretty place & i'd have to imagine he wouldnt want to be laid to rest where his father started abusing him. Being only an hour or so from Gary, i think south bend would get mobbed pretty quickly from tourists.. yikes.
Anyways, i think its a sad loss for the fact he was going to try to come back. I really wanted to see what he had left. Sad that wont happen. He was a GREAT dancer & he will be a performer hard to replace. hehehehehe Will britney fill his shoes? (hahaha, sorry)
By the looks of my post you might think im a super fan, really, i love some of his stuff, but am not a super fan. hahaha I just thought he gave life a bit of spice & wonder on occasion. haha Peter Pan himself. He danced like no tomorrow & man, who doesnt like thriller?=]