The Amazing disappearing Leonard!

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I heart Leonard
Jan 30, 2009
Racine, WI
HMMM looked into Leonard's cage today and he was nowhere to be found! yet all the doors were sealed tight!

Here's the scene:

He is distappeared!

oh oh! I think I may have figured this secret trick out:

upon further investigation I'm postive! voila!


my sneaky boy was found out!!
Awww look at my boyfriend. He's such a handsome boy with all his Elvis fleece.
Leonard really wanted to give you a fright!

I have this happen quite a bit...I look in the cage and someone is missing. Normally the missing chin is hiding UNDER another larger, squishier chin. (Squishier is apparently the correct spelling, it passed the spell check.)
I saw the whiskers too but I looked really hard before I let myself scroll down. Hahahah it was like where's waldo?
hahaha laurie! I had Derek play this game... where's leonard?! it took him quite some time, let me say :tease:
I saw whiskers of this handsome boy too... hehe. Nice hiding place, Leonard!