With Mr. Whiskers, it was the first time I saw him in the pet store. I asked if I could pet him and the owner said, "Sure, go ahead and stick your hand in -- he's really friendly". The minute he started whisking me with those amazing whiskers, I blurted out, "Oh, my God, you are the cutest thing I've ever seen!!! If I could take you back to Denver with me, I'd name you Mr. Whiskers and love you forever!!!" And I did!!!
I first met The Snuggler when I was attending a show. I noticed a cute little baby chinchilla making an escape from his cage and alerted his owner to the fact. He was so cute, I asked if I could hold him. She allowed me to, and he spent the rest of the afternoon asleep in the crook of my arm or on my lap. I immediately christened him "My Little Snuggler", and everyone was sure that I was going to be leaving with him that night. I really wanted to, but had just gotten Mr. Whiskers and Baby back together after neutering them, and I thought it best to check with my vet before I added a 3rd chinchilla to the mix. He advised against it, so I didn't call the breeder. When Baby died suddenly and unexpectedly a few weeks later, I called Nicole (Riven) to see if My Little Snuggler was still available. She said, "Yeah, he's here; he's been waiting for you to call!!!"
Since Little Two Paws was so small and had only 2 legs (both on the right side) and a little nubbin on his left rear, I would let him have playtime on my bed with a flannel sheet to protect his nubbin, which was not an open wound, but just tender, pink tissue -- no fur had ever grown over it. He would skitter around and get moving pretty fast, (especially for a 2 legged chin). I would lie there on my stomach propped up on my elbows watching TV. He would race all around the bed over and around me, and then run under my chest between my elbows, snuggling in his little "safe" place. I was thrilled that he did that!!!