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Feb 26, 2012
Hello all!

I just wanted to take a moment and say thank you. Thanks to everyone who took their time to teach this nervous new mommy about the proper care of my chin baby! Thanks to you, Kushi is so very healthy and happy.

Turns out, the man from whom I rescued her was wrong, and had no experience with chins. My "Black Velvet female" is actually a mixed male. His gender doesn't make him any less loved ;)

He waits for me to get home from work every day, and chitters happily as soon as I take him out for play time. He LOVES to have his tummy rubbed, and can't seem to get enough of his "Mommy jungle gym" tehe. He's my little buddy and he just brightens my whole day!

I've had a few requests for pictures, but he is so energetic I can never seem to get one. However, I did manage to get one or two today, and I just HAVE to show him off :)

Again, THANK YOU for collectively sharing all of your wisdom! I'm so blessed to be part of this wonderful Chin family <3


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Why do you think he is "mixed"? There is no such thing as a homozygous black velvet. They all have one black velvet gene and one standard gene. You little guy is definitely a black velvet. Nice looking, too!
what a cutie! and agreed, he is a black velvet. far as i know, there are no 'mutts' when it comes to chins.

i would definitely read up in the housing section here on the forum, and start converting your cage so that it doesn't have any plastic in it. plastic is a big hazard for chins, as they tend to chew it and swallow pieces, leading to impaction.
I am very new to being a chin mommy, but having a light grey belly would seem to say he is not all black? My parents raised a large chin family for years, before having me, and they said he isn't a pure black velvet? I don't particularly care what kind he is, as long as he is healthy :) I'm sure I will continue learning and learning about these beautiful little guys!

And I am looking into converting my cage. I am so thankful for your continued advice!
I couldn't see his belly in the pictures. If it is light gray and not white then he is either a dirty bellied black velvet or he may have some ebony in him.