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Jan 22, 2011
My chinchilla, an 8 year old male named Victor, has a crusty eye, and I was wondering what I should use to treat it. Terramycin ointment is something I've heard of being used with chinchillas (and kittens, rabbits, etc), and I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to use it, and what else I should use for the eye?

I was able to get his eye open by softening up the crust with a damp cotton swab to gently loosen it up which worked (he's a chin who just kinda sits there when you hold him so it was easy to clean it up a little like that), but I'd like to take care of it so it goes away.

My family can't afford to take him to the vet right now, but his former owner will take him to the vet if I try something like an eye ointment first.

In my experience eye ointments are messy and don't do as good of a job as eye drops and oral medication.

Any type of infection really needs vet attention. Have you called your vet to see what their office visits are? Most vets I've been to are $35-40, and the medication shouldn't be too expensive. When it comes to owning pets any of us needs to be prepared for any expenses they may need.

EDIT: I just wanted to add that when you're dealing with things that require medications 'self vetting' isn't the best idea.
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Thanks for the advice.

I've actually been calling vets to see what they think as well besides asking on here. It doesn't hurt to ask multiple sources at least.
So I called the vet, and she said it was safe to use, but to just bring him in if it doesn't clear up. (just wanted to say that in case anyone else wanted to know if that medication is safe).
I've noticed VCA often has those free initial exam coupons. I don't think all of them are for every animal, it varies from hospital to hospital. But visit the VCA site and see if maybe it can save you the money (is $50 here, but might be less by you). You'd still have to pay for the meds, but they'd be less than the exam anyways.

I personally don't have any experience with eye infections. And unless you have someone who can prescribe you antibiotics or have them on hand and happen to know appropriate concentrations and doses, you'll probably need a vet. Maybe just call around and ask them what you can do.
I would use it if it meant the chin was not going to get any treatment at all, which sounds like it would be the case. If it does not take care of it then you are dealing with a dental issue and there is no self vetting that.
Well I ended up calling a vet and they said it was safe to try, and since its just an ointment, I used a tiny dab in the corner of each eye for two days, and just like that it was gone.

And his old owner said he would've taken him if it didn't work, he just wanted me to try that ointment first in case it made it better first. At least it worked out great for him!