My only chin is having some problems, well me AND him. My A/C recently went out because my mom couldn't pay the bill. So I moved my chin downstairs into the basement. Although my bedroom is on the top floor so he was a little shaken by the big move. I had to go away for a while to my dads house because the electric was out and they didn't want me sleeping in the dark,and when I came back he just wouldn't move! I tried giving him snack and scratching his sweet spot but nothing happened so I held him and he seemed better. but then I moved him the my finished side of my basement and he froze again! he just, well something is wrong but he is pooping so I don't think he is sick or anything. so I assume this has happened to someone else before and in case the A/C ever goes out again I would like the hear some suggestions to either prevent this or ways to snap him out of it faster. Thanks!