Teklad Rodent Block for Chin

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Oct 2, 2010
Hi, I would like to know if chinchillas are able to eat rodent teklad lab blocks supplemented with hay for the fiber needed. It is the high protein teklad blocks (2020x to be exact) and and when checking the protein, fat, etc amount it is similar to mazuri chin food (less protein actually 19.1%) and the diet requirements needed for chins just without the necessary fiber which I would supplement with timothy hay as stated before. Thanks
Hi, I would like to know if chinchillas are able to eat rodent teklad lab blocks supplemented with hay for the fiber needed. It is the high protein teklad blocks (2020x to be exact) and and when checking the protein, fat, etc amount it is similar to mazuri chin food (less protein actually 19.1%) and the diet requirements needed for chins just without the necessary fiber which I would supplement with timothy hay as stated before. Thanks
Harlan does not make a formula that is safe for chins. That Harlan formula is for rodents that are omnivores, (i.e. rats, mice), which have a different type of digestive tract and different nutritional and dietary requirements.