teeth surgery

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8 weeks ago my female chin had teeth surgery .. she can no longer eat on her own ..I have to feed her critical care 2-3 times a day
it breaks my heart when I get up in the morning she is clinging to the cage cuz she knows I am going to feed her
Im really confused as to why this happens ..
she was in pain with her teeth ... so I thought the surgery would make her feel so much better ..but for some reason she isnt using them ??

anyone know much about this ?

and now my older male chin has lost weight , has been grinding his teeth ..so I am taking him to vet tomorrow (couldnt get in today)

any advice w/ this would be appreciated
It can take weeks to months for a chin to get back to normal after their teeth have been worked on. It's different with every chin. Some people end up with their chins on critical care for 6 months or more. They sometimes develop a taste for the critical care, and they simply don't want to stop eating it. It can be a total pain to wean them off too.

Start by giving her her critical care in a dish instead of you hand feeding her. Once she eats it out of a dish (or if she already does) start grinding up her pellets and adding them in a little at a time. Start with them at a finer grind, then gradually work them back up to full pellet size, gradually decreasing the amount of critical care as you go.

Hang in there. It can take a while, but if her teeth are back in shape, she'll get back on pellets eventually. I also hope your male is okay and doesn't have tooth issues. Hard enough with one, let alone two.
I dont have any advice to add, I just wanted to say I hope your little girl gets better soon, and I hope your boy is okay too.