Tear duct

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So my boy Momo has had a watery eye for a while now. maybe 10 months. i've taken him to my exoctic vet twice and the second time they gave me eye drops, flurbiprofen sodium ophthalmic, and said he had a misshapen or blocked tear duct. becuase things arnt draining out his nose.
they did a full check. checked his teeth, etc. he's about 2 years old now.
so I did the eye drops and it looked better but it just keeps getting watery and comming back. I put Tomlyn Opticlear for animals abot every other night and wipe his eye but its really a struggle to get him to hold still.
I limit his dust baths becuase i'm afraid the dust is blocking it up.
I dont want to take him back to the vet becuase its pretty expensive. but I also dont want to put eye drops in his eye every night. any ideas or professional opinions?
Did the vet do a head x-ray? You need to rule out a blockage due to elongation of the root. If that is ok, all you can do is treat it as needed. I have had good luck with both terramycin and neo-poly-dex antibiotics to treat eye infections. Also sometimes you need to do a course of a oral antibiotic in conjuction with the occular antibiotics.
No they didn't do a x-ray. I tried Terramycin. The vet said that it definetly wasn't an infection, I don't remember why tho.... should i just take him back and get an x-ray done?
I went through something like this with one of mine, a persistant wet eye that was treated with drops and would not quit-my vet requested we do a x-ray to rule out teeth. After that was cleared we went on to using a oral and occular antibiotic for 20 days and it finally cleared up and did not return. If the tear duct is blocked by the root, by doing a x-ray to confirm it will give you more info in case other teeth issues show up. It could be a birth defect but if it was me I would want to know its not teeth.
Yeah the teeth would be a pretty big problem. okay i'll take him back to the vet and get that done. Thank you!!!!!!