Switching food..only eating new pellets

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Sep 21, 2009
So I've been noticing one of my chins has been loosing weight and has been really disinterested in his pellets. I had been feeding both my chins the chinchilla feed from the local feed store...I'd started them on it not knowing there was better stuff out there...

So now I'm switching him to the new purina rabbit chow he seems to love it and I'm doing a slow switch mixing 1 tbs of the new and 2 tbs of he old...everyday I check it (3 days so far) I can tell only the new pellets are being eaten... He seems to really like them.

But now I'm thinking I'd might could get him to eat more if he had more of the new... But then again I don't want to rush things.

It's just that I know these new have to be so much better since Ijust found out the old were from "Furry Friends" which I can't find info about anywhere.
If he's happy eating the Purina, then I would just put him on the Purina. Often times I just do a cold switch because when I bring chins home, the breeders I get them from don't include feed for a changeover. Monitor poops to be sure they are of normal consistency, and you should be fine.