Switch from Oxbow to Tradition?

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<---Apple Tree Enthusiast
Feb 18, 2011
Recently I had upped my crew to four chinchillas. With this increase, purchasing Oxbow Deluxe from Petsmart is no longer an option. It is just far too expensive.

I was curious that with Tradition being so close to Oxbow, is there any need for a gradual switch? Could I just cold turkey 'em? I understand that their digestive tracks are extremely delicate, but how different are the two pellets? I mean the Nutrient Analysis %s are near identical and they are both Alfalfa meal based.

Also, how many pounds of feed should I purchase at a time given the fact that I own four chinchillas and two of them are the type to "pick n' toss" their food?

Lastly, I'd appreciate recommendations for online sellers (I live in Michigan). I was just going to buy it from Ryerson, but if there are cheaper sellers then I'll just use them.

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Thanks for the input, Dawn. One last question, what is the "shelf life" for Tradition Feed? I was debating on getting 12 pounds or 25 pounds.