Swimming Hedgies?

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New member
Sep 15, 2011
I have been looking on youtube and saw a couple videos with swimming hedgies. Do any of you let your hedgies swim in the bathtub or sink? Just wondering.
Most despise water. They can swim to survive, but they don't just swim for kicks. To make bathtime less stressful, I wash my Hedgie in a very tall pot so that there's just enough water, he can touch the bottom but he can't climb out. Definitely watch Boogie Boogie Hedgehog if you haven't yet.
No, I haven't.

Satin was a sweet girl who would do her best to leave her footbath (~1-2cm of warm water). I did try upping the water level a couple of time just to see... she was NOT amused. So no swimming for Satin.

Tex is pretty good in 1-2cm of water during his daily footbaths. I've tried a bit deeper a couple of time to see if he'd like it. Not so much.

It seems only the rarest of hedgies enjoys swimming.
I have had 2 that loved water. Cooper quite enjoyed bath time, but wasn't into swimming. NeMali LOVED to swim. If I tried to give her a bath without allowing her to swim she would get MAD. When NeMali was mad she would stomp her feet.

Most have either been indifferent to water, slightly disliked it and, in one case, extremely terrified by the event. Turtle was so scared of water that just running it in the next room was enough to cause him to panic.
I've not had any that would swim but have had a few that didn't mind the water. Most have hated and been terrified of it.