Sweet Chin Turned Agressive.?!

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New member
Feb 27, 2013
Dallas, Texas
I have a female chinchilla named Jacki who just turned three, whom I rescued a little under a year ago. The home I rescued her from was abusing her. She came to me as an angry, untrusting chin who was mad at the world and missing half her body fur from chewing it off. I worked very hard over a course of several months to rehabilitate her and finally I turned her into a sweet and loving family chin. HOWEVER, recently (the last few months) Jacki has been regressing in the state of behavior. Her mood has chaged back to the angry chin, but this times she's worse. I can't put my hand in her cage without wearing gloves because she bites me everytime. She bites through the cage bars and is VERY aggressive with food, which was not the case a few months ago. She throw over bowls and litter boxes in her cage and is just completley ticked off at everyone and everything. I have no idea why.! Nothing in her diet has changed, and I treat her the same way, nobody else messes with her, nothing has changed.! The only thing that has changed in the environment is the fact I am now fostering another female chin. Jacki started acting like this a few weeks after I brought Lilly (the foster kiddo) home. However, I can't see this being the cause as I spend the same amount of time with Jacki as I did before. Does anyone know what could be the cause.? Genetics.? Past abuse.? Is there anything I can do to help Jacki and make her go back to the way she was.?
I'm no expert so take anything I say with a grain of salt, but my first thoughts would be several possible things.

Maybe she's in pain? Maybe something's wrong with her that's causing some sort of discomfort and manifesting its self in aggressive behavior? I'm assuming she's eating/pooing alright or you might have said something, but its something to consider..

She smells the other chin on you and is for one reason or another, HIGHLY aggressive to other chins. To the point that, she smells it on you, she smells it in her environment, and reacts accordingly. Was she rescued from a place with other chins? Perhaps she's highly sensitive to that, and simply can't be in the same household as other chins? (even if she's in another room, you'll likely have it's scent on you)

I noticed that my two original chins started acting more skittish whenever I rescued two more, even though the two pairs had never even been in the same room in the beginning. (during quarantine). Its something that took them time to get over. Your chin may NOT get over it, if this is the cause..

Ifthere's been no other changes, my guess really is the additional chin. it happened about the same time, and it's a pretty drastic reaction.

Or..she might just be moody? Did anything happen at all that might make her decide you're the enemy? I've heard they're slow to forgive.
I have a Jeckel/Hyde chin. He takes a distinct dislike to some other chins especially if they talk a lot. If I get in a foster Frankie doesn't like, I can't even rest my hand on his cage without getting badly bitten. As long as he isn't around a chin he hates, he is the sweetest guy ever.

I have a another foster who simply hates all other chins period. She throws things around her cage and you do not touch her without gloves on. Don't know if that would change if she was in a single chin environment or not. I don't have that option.

So my guess is the presence of the second chin has set her off. Try moving them into separate rooms.

Another possibility that sometimes sets an aggressive chin off is the addition of an air freshener or other scent device in her room.
She was rescued from a home with another chin, but as far as I know they didn't get along as Jacki is missing a piece of her ear. And the chin I am fostering, I am rehabilitating. I foster for Chinchildren Chinchilla rescue and I really don't want to take Lilly back because I've made the commitment to rehabilitate her, but I need to do what's best for my chin.
Im doing everything I can as of right now to help Jacki. I seperated them as a precaution just like Tamera from Chinchildren suggested. She has been the biggest help.! Even suggested taking Lilly back(shes such a great chin mom.!) but I feel its neccessary for me to keep my promise and help rehabilitate Lilly.