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Feb 4, 2009
Well...this NEVER happens to me. I always know when my females are expecting and I have them on a watch and poke list.:neener: breeder friend (we used to swap chinchillas regularly) sent home three chinchillas with me. Ivy an eb/c female her daughter Harley a violet wrap and Spooky a white violet male. I was assured that since Ivy had already had two back to back litters (Harley and the previous litter) that she wasn't pregnant or her chances of being pregnant are very very very very small. Apparently not such a small chance. So Ivy was paired with two other females so she could have a nice long break from breeding living with some cuddly girls. One of the girls in the cage is a white v/c that I am almost positive is pregnant to a bv male. I was walking around the house cursing and telling the baby he was an impossibility and Tyson was looking at me like I was insane, lol. But it was true! I thought he was from the white v/c and bv pairing and they CANNOT have a white violet male!!!:hair: I was extremely relieved when I looked at the girls and figured out WHO had the baby. Ivy had a baby so I'm assuming at some point or another she was housed with or near Wilcox, a white violet male. So...we have...

Z10-white violet male 47g


:hilarious: I don't think Tyson can be blamed. You told the kit he was an impossibility???
:hilarious: I don't think Tyson can be blamed. You told the kit he was an impossibility???

I did...I was telling him he was impossible and there's no way he could be here right now. Tyson suggested my *gasp* Shoots bv male could be a violet carrier and I almost ripped his head off. He's from PURE standard and PURE bv lines!!! OMG!!!:laughitup: My poor he puts up with it I'll never know...and all this started BECAUSE he asked if any of the chins had given birth today so I did a double take on the cages.
Poor baby has a self esteem complex already, it's all your fault if he turns out to be a fur chewer from self-hatred :cry3:

I'm naming him Purple Peep...Peep for maybe the fur chewing will be because he thinks he's a sugary marshmallow?:neener:
I think his problem is that he stayed in mom too long. He was originally supposed to be born on April 1st. :crazy:So instead of getting named some joker name he has to be made into a cute sugary treat. I mean he IS purple AND white like a purple peep so it's the perfect name!:hug2: