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I've always been curious and, yet, could never find the answer: Is it okay to use strictly rolled oats as a supplement for chinnies? I read that they promote healthy digestion, yet I've always seen them MIXED (rather than used alone) with either herbs or other various types of ingredients.
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Lots of people give them as a treat. You wouldn't want to give a big scoop of them, but a pinch between your thumb and first finger a couple times a week is fine and they really enjoy it.
My chins loved rolled oats Erikah! I give them just a pinch a couple of times a week as a treat as Peggy suggested, but sometimes I'll mix them with crushed rose hips and spinkle a bit on their food as a treat too. I'm just too lazy I guess to hold them in my palm for 8 chins! But I'll tell you with the exception of apple sticks, oats are the favorite around here!
Oats are perfect treat for chins! And yes, it's ok to give just oats.
Whole grain oats contain seven B vitamins, vitamin E, and nine minerals, including iron and calcium + fiber and gamma linoleic acid.
I prefer to give my chins whole oat groats (steel cut oats are the same , they are simply whole oat groats that have been cut into small pieces).They are the best choice in terms of nutrition!
Rolled oats are made by steaming the groats and flattening them with a roller.They contain less fiber, vitamins and minerals.
Whole oat grouts have sort of “nutty” flavor that rolled oats lack, and are definitely chewier!